Normal grief resolution may take from 6 months up to as long as 2 years.
Grief can follow the death of a loved one, but grief also follows other losses such as a loss of independence, loss of affection, or loss of body parts after an accident.
It is important that you talk about your loss and how it affects you. The more you are able to talk about your feelings related to the loss you are experiencing, the more you will be able to work through your feelings.
You may be encouraged to seek supportive therapy in the form of divorce groups, loss groups, or groups dealing specifically with death and dying.
Activity: Moderate exercise, such as daily walking, is encouraged. Vigorous, prolonged exercise, however, may precipitate anxiety attacks.
Diet: Avoid caffeinated beverages, including coffee, tea, and carbonated colas that do not specify decaffeinated.
Try to eat healthy food and avoid overeating or skipping meals.
Medications: Medications for loss and grief are usually avoided at first because the use of drugs can prolong the time it takes to work through your grief. However, your healthcare provider will discuss medications in more depth. If you are having signs of depression or think you may need treatment with medication, contact your healthcare provider.
You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________
You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________
Do not stop antidepressants quickly. Talk to your healthcare provider if you want to discontinue them. You Need to Notify the Office If:
A.You feel like you cannot stop crying.
B.You are not eating and are losing weight.
C.You feel like you have no one to turn to and talk about your feelings.
D.You have difficulty sleeping after several weeks.
E.You have thoughts of hurting yourself or others.
F.You do not think you are getting better on the prescribed medication.
Phone: ____________________________
Local Support Group: ___________________________________________________________
Smith, H. I. (2011). A Decembered grief: Living with loss while others are celebrating. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press. (Original work published 1999.)