Gout is caused by high uric acid deposits in the joints, which produce pain and swelling at the joint. Gout commonly occurs in the big toe; however, other joints may be affected. Other signs/symptoms include red, hot, and swollen joints which may be tender to the touch. Gout also produces tophi, which are uric acid crystals that have formed under the skin, such as the edge of the ear, elbow, fingers, and toes, and near the Achilles tendon.

Gout is the result of too much uric acid production or not enough uric acid excretion from the kidney.


A.The goal is to prevent recurrences of the attacks.

B.Acute attacks: You may apply warm or cool compresses to affected areas for comfort.

C.Avoid weight-bearing objects on the affected joint.

D.Take your medication as prescribed.

Activity: When you have an attack, resting the joint is the best treatment. Drinking large amounts of water will keep your urine diluted to help prevent kidney stones.


A.Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day. Avoid dehydration.

B.Refrain from alcohol (beer, liquor). These will worsen your symptoms or trigger a new attack.

C.If overweight, you need to begin a weight-loss program appropriate for you.

D.Avoid crash diets. These will also precipitate an acute attack.

E.Foods to avoid: Purine-rich foods such as some seafood, sardines, anchovies, red meat and organ meats (liver, kidney), dried beans, shrimp, and sweetbreads, as well as foods with high-fructose corn syrup (soda, cakes, cookies, etc.).

F.Foods to increase: Dairy products, whole grains and vegetables, coffee.

Medications: Medications to avoid: Salicylates (aspirin). They can interfere with the kidney trying to get rid of the high uric acid levels.

You may be prescribed medications for pain, such as anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen or naproxen), steroids, pain relievers (acetaminophen), or colchicine.

You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Notify the Office If You Have:

A.Acute attacks.

B.Fever higher than 101°F.


D.Swelling of extremities.


F.Signs/symptoms not improving within 3 to 4 days after starting therapy.

G.Any adverse effects from your medication.

Phone: ____________________________