You have inflammation or a blood clot in one of the veins in your body. Phlebitis is inflammation, and thrombosis means a blood clot. Symptoms include the following:




D.Tenderness in the affected leg or arm.

E.The vein may feel somewhat hard to touch.


Blood clots form because of bedrest, surgery, a heart attack, a severe illness, and birth control pills. A blood clot can also form after breaking a hip or leg, pregnancy, with cancer, and with some medications.


A.If you have phlebitis, you may be given an anti-inflammatory medicine.

B.Some patients need to go to the hospital and get intravenous (IV) medicine to break up the clot.

C.You may be given blood thinners either as a pill or by self-injection.

D.Be sure to take all of the medicine given as directed to help with the blood clot.

E.Do not smoke: This worsens your condition. It is never too late to stop smoking.

F.If you currently take any hormones, such as birth control pills, your healthcare provider may talk to you about stopping them.

G.Manage all other medical conditions, especially high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol, and try to lose any extra weight.

H.Follow up with your primary healthcare provider and/or cardiologist on a regularly scheduled basis.


A.Get out of bed as soon as possible after surgery.

B.While in bed, perform range-of-motion exercises with your legs.

C.Exercise leg muscles by pumping your ankles when sitting.

D.Do not sit with your legs crossed.

E.Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time.

F.Do not wear tight clothing, such as knee-high hosiery.

G.Wear special supportive hosiery called compression stockings. Put them on before getting out of bed in the morning and take them off before going to bed at night.

H.When traveling:

1.Try to take rest breaks on a regular basis.

2.Continue to do the ankle pumping exercise when in the car or on the plane.

3.Wear loose-fitting clothes that are comfortable.

4.Avoid drinking alcohol.

5.Drink plenty of fluids unless you are instructed not to do so by your healthcare provider.

6.Ask your healthcare provider if you should wear compression stockings.

I.Wear a MedicAlert bracelet if you are put on blood thinners; you will notice that you bruise more easily while on your blood thinner.

J.You may need to come back to the office to have your labs drawn.


A.Discuss the type of diet that best suits your needs: diabetic, low-fat, low-cholesterol, and/or low-sodium.

B.If you are taking the blood thinner Coumadin, you will be given a list of foods that should not be eaten. These foods interfere with how the blood thinner works.

C.Avoid alcohol.

Medications: If you currently take birth control pills, ask your healthcare provider if you should stop taking them. You may be prescribed a blood thinner by injection or pills. Continue to take this medicine even if you feel better.

You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Notify the Office If You Have the Following:

A.Seek care in the emergency room if you have any of the following symptoms:

1.Sudden shortness of breath.

2.Chest pain.

3.A change in color of a foot or hand.

4.If taking a blood thinner and have any of these symptoms:

a.Nosebleed that will not stop with pressure.

b.Coughing up blood.

B.Contact the office if you are experiencing any of the following:

1.Fever over 101°F.

2.Increased redness, pain, tenderness to touch, swelling, and/or warmth.

3.New wound or sore on the affected arm or leg.

4.If you are taking a blood thinner and have any of these symptoms:

a.Vomiting or other illness that causes you to miss more than one dose of your medications.

b.Vomit that is bright red or dark and looks like coffee grounds or grape jelly.

c.Bright red blood in your stools or black, tarry stools.

C.Contact the office if you are experiencing any new symptom(s) not present at your last office visit.

D.Other: ___________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________________

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Vascular Cures–DVT: