Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a condition in which blood has difficulty flowing back to the heart from the arms or legs. This usually occurs when the valves along the inside of the veins are damaged and allow blood to flow backward. The pooling of blood leads to swelling, pain, a heavy feeling, darkening of the skin, and infections. Without treatment, CVI can lead to blood clots and serious infections that could lead to amputation.


Many things may increase the chance of having CVI. Some, like gender, age, or how tall you are, cannot be changed. Others can be changed; these include prolonged standing or sitting and excessive weight.


A.Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time.

B.If overweight or obese, lose weight. Discuss what you can do to lose weight with your healthcare provider.


A.Take your medications as ordered by your healthcare provider.

B.Wear compression stockings. Put them on before getting out of bed in the morning. Take them off just before going to bed at night.

C.Raise the affected arm or leg whenever lying down to improve pain and swelling.

D.Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time.

E.Follow up with your primary healthcare provider on a regularly scheduled basis.


A.Get regular exercise. Discuss what type and frequency of exercise is safe for you with your healthcare provider.

B.Exercise leg muscles by pumping ankles when sitting. Rocking in a rocking chair is another option.

Diet: Discuss the type of diet that best suits your needs with your healthcare provider: Diabetic diet, low-fat diet, low-cholesterol diet, and/or low-sodium diet.


You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Notify the Office If You Have the Following:

A.Seek care in the emergency room if you have a change in color of a foot or hand.

B.Contact the office if you are experiencing any of the following:

1.Fever over 101°F.

2.Increased redness, pain, tenderness to touch, swelling, and/or warmth.

3.New wound or sore on the affected arm or leg.

4.If taking aspirin and have any of these symptoms:

a.Vomiting or other illness that causes you to miss more than one dose of your medications.

b.Vomit that is bright red or dark and looks like coffee grounds or grape jelly.

c.Blood in your bowel movements that looks black or tarry in color.

C.Contact the office if you are experiencing any new symptom(s) not present at your last office visit.

D.Other: ___________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________


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