Pocket ObGyn – Sepsis
See Abbreviations
Definitions (Crit Care Med 2003;31(4):1250)
- SIRS: 2+ of the following: (1) temp >38 OR <36°C, (2) HR >90 bpm, (3) RR >24/min or arterial CO2 <32 mm Hg or mechanical vent, (4) WBC >12 K/mm3 or <4 K/mm3or >10% immature forms
- Sepsis: SIRS + documented infxn
- Sev sepsis: Sepsis + sign(s) of organ hypoperfusion/dysfxn including oliguria, metabolic acidosis, abrupt AMS, thrombocytopenia or DIC, cardiac dysfxn, acute lung injury
- Septic shock: Sev sepsis w/ HoTN despite adequate fluid resusc or need for vasopressors to maintain
Epidemiology (NEJM 2003 348:16)
- Incid: 240 cases per 100000, 9% annual from 1979–2000
- Rate of sev postop sepsis 9%, mortality 34% (Anesthesiology 2010;112:917)
- Sepsis: Amplified, uncontrolled, self-sustaining intravascular inflamm response
Bact wall components (endotoxin, LPS) & products (exotoxins) activate host defense Initial excessive resp of inflamm mediators (TNFa & IL-1). Activation of coagula-
tion cascade & enhanced formation of microvascular thrombi. Impaired tissue oxygenation & tissue damage. Late shift to anti-inflammatory immunosuppressive state ® inability to clear infxn.
Clinical Manifestations
- HoTN, initial cardiac output, but eventual systolic & diastolic failure
- AMS (encephalopathy): Agitation, confusion, obtundation
- Acute renal failure due to hypoperfusion/hypoxia: Oliguria, electrolyte abnormalities
- Pulm edema ® V/Q mismatch ® hypoxemia ® ARDS
- Obtain appropriate cx (eg, bld, urine, wound, catheter tip)
- CXR to assess acute lung injury & ARDS (diffuse bilateral infiltrates)
- Imaging studies (eg, CT) to confirm infxn site & sample poss source
Management (Crit Care Med 2008;36:296; see also www.survivingsepsis.org)
- Identify infectious source
- Early respiratory stabilization: Pulse oximetry, mechanical ventilation as needed
- Adequate access: CVC if sev sepsis or shock
- Aggressive fluid resusc: Crystalloid or colloid, necessary to prevent organ dysfxn
Goals: CVP ³8 mm Hg (12 mm Hg if ventilated), MAP ³65% mm Hg, UOP ³5 mL/kg/h
- IV Abx: Begin as soon as poss after cx are Broad spectrum: Directed at most likely pathogens of presumed source.
- Vasopressors: If BP not responsive to IV fluid administration, use to maintain MAP
>65 mm Hg (norepinephrine generally 1st line. Alternatives include phenylephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, dopamine)
- Corticosteroids: Consider hydrocortisone IV (for adrenal insufficiency) if BPs unresponsive to fluid
• Sepsis bundles:
Initial resusc bundle: All w/i 6 h of identification of sev sepsis Measure serum lactate
Obtain bld cx prior to Abx (2 sets of bld cxs, other indicated site) Broad-spectrum Abx w/i 1 h
If HoTN &/or lactate >4 mmol/L ® fluids + vasopressors to goal MAP >65 mm Hg If persistent HoTN despite fluid resusc (septic shock) ® maintain CVP ³8 mm
Hg & ScvO2 ³70% or SvO2 ³65%
Subseq mgmt bundle: W/i 24 h includes ventilator mgmt of ARDS, bld prod- ucts, steroids, vasopressors, sedation, maintaining euglycemia, renal replacement therapy, & mgmt of multiorgan dysfxn