Pocket ObGyn – Abbreviations
- 17-OHP 17-hydroxyprogesterone
- AA African American
- AAP American Academy of
- Pediatrics
- Ab(s) antibody(ies)
- ABG arterial blood gas
- AC abdominal circumference
- ACEI angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
- ACh acetylcholine
- aCL anticardiolipin antibody
- ACOG American Congress /College of OB/GYN
- ACS acute coronary syndrome/American Cancer Society
- ACTH adrenocorticotropic hor- mone
- ADH antidiuretic hormone
- AE adverse effects
- AED antiepileptic drug
- AEDF absent end diastolic flow
- AF amniotic fluid
- AFC antral follicle count
- AFE amniotic fluid embolism AFI amniotic fluid index
- AFLP acute fatty liver of pregnancy
- AFP alpha-fetoprotein
- AFV amniotic fluid volume
- AG anion gap
- Ag antigen
- AI active ingredient
- AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- AIHA autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- AIN anal intraepithelial neoplasia
- AIS adenocarcinoma in situ/ androgen insensitivity syndrome
- AKI acute kidney injury
- AMA advanced maternal age
- AMH anti-Müllerian hormone
- AML acute myeloid leukemia
- Amp amplitude/ampicillin
- AMS altered mental status
- Amy amylase
- ANA antinuclear antibody
- AP angina pectoris/anteropos- terior
- aPa/APLA antiphospholipid antibodies
- APRN advanced practice registered nurse
- APS APLA syndrome
- aPTT activated partial thrombo- plastin time
- AR absolute risk
- ARB angiotensin receptor blocker
- ARFacute renal failure
CD |
AR reduction |
antiretroviral therapy/assisted |
reproductive technology |
- ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
- AS aortic stenosis
- ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists/aspirin
- ASCAs antisaccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies
- ASCCP American Society for
- Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology
- ASD atrial septal defect
- ASIS anterior-superior iliac spine
- ASRM American Society for
- Reproductive Medicine
- AT-III antithrombin III
- ATD antithyroid drug
- ATFP arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis
- ATN acute tubular necrosis AUB abnormal uterine bleeding AVA aortic valve area
- AVF arteriovenous fistula
- AVM arteriovenous malformation
- AVSDs atrioventricular septal defects
- Azithro azithromycin
- AZT zidovudine
- BASE brief abuse screen for the elderly
- BB beta blocker
- BBT basal body temperature
- BC bulbus cordis
- BCC basal cell carcinoma
- BE base excess
- bhCG beta-hCG
- BiAsp biphasic insulin aspart BMD bone mineral density BPD biparietal diameter
- BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
- BPP biophysical profile
- BSA body surface area
- BSO bilateral salpingo-oophorec-tomy
- BV bacterial vaginosis
- C Caucasian
- Ca calcium
- CAD coronary artery disease
- CAH congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- CAIS complete androgen insensitivity
- CAP community-acquired pneumonia
- CARPREG Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy Score
- c/b complicated by
- CCAM congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
- CCB calcium channel blocker
- CD cesarean delivery/Crohn’s disease
- CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CDH congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- CEE conjugated equine estrogen
- CF cystic fibrosis
- CFU colony-forming units
- CGH comparative genomic hybridization
- CHD congenital heart disease CHF congestive heart failure chorio chorioamnionitis CHTN chronic hypertension
- CI confidence interval/contrain- dication
- CIC clean intermittent self-cathe- terization
- CIN cervical intraepithelial neo-
- plasia
- CIS carcinoma in situ CKC Cold Knife Conization CKD chronic kidney disease
- CKI creatine kinase inhibitor
- CK-MB creatine kinase-MB
- CL cervical length
- CM Certified Midwife
- CMV cytomegalovirus
- CNM Certified Nurse-Midwives
- CO cardiac output
- COC combined oral contraceptive
- COH Controlled ovarian hyper- stimulation
- Const Del constitutional delay
- COP colloid osmotic pressure
- COPD chronic obstructive pulmo- nary disease
- Cort corticosteroid
- COX cyclooxygenase
- CP cerebral palsy
- CPCs choroid plexus cysts
- CPD cephalopelvic disproportion
- CPM Certified Professional
- Midwives
- CPP chronic pelvic pain
- CR cervical ripening
- CrCl creatinine clearance
- CRF chronic renal failure
- CRH corticotropin-releasing hormone
- CRL crown-rump length
- CRP c-reactive protein crypto cryptosporidiosis CS cesarean section
- CSII continuous subcutaneous
- insulin infusion
- C&S culture & sensitivity CSE combined spinal–epidural CSF cerebrospinal fluid
- CT computed tomography
- CTA CT angiography
- CTCAE common terminology crite-
- ria for adverse events CTD connective tissue disease CTS carpal tunnel syndrome/con-
- flict tactics scale
- CTV CT venography
- CTX chest x-ray/contractions
- CUS compression ultrasonogra-
- phy
- CVA cerebrovascular accident CVC central venous catheter CVD cardiovascular disease CVP central venous pressure CVS Chorionic villus sampling
- CVT cerebral venous thrombosis
- CVVS continuous venovenous
- hemofiltration
- c/w consistent with
- DBP diastolic blood pressure D&C dilatation and curettage DCM dilated cardiomyopathy DDx differential diagnosis
- D&E dilation & evacuation DEM Direct Entry Midwives DES diethylstilbestrol
- dev = development
- DEXA dual-energy x-ray absorpti- ometry
- DHEA-S dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
- DHT dihydrotestosterone
- DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation
- dig digoxin
- DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
- DMPA depot medroxyprogesterone
- acetate
- DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide
- DMT disease-modifying treatments
- DPG diphosphoglycerate dsDNA double-stranded DNA DV domestic violence
- EAS external anal sphincter
- EBL estimated blood loss
- EBRT external beam radiation therapy
- EC emergency contraception/ endometrial carcinoma
- ECC endocervical curettage
- ECG electrocardiogram
- EDD estimated date of delivery
- EE ethinyl estradiol
- EF ejection fraction
- EFW estimated fetal weight EGA estimated gestational age EH endometrial hyperplasia
- EIC endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma
- EIF echogenic intracardiac focus ELISA enzyme-linked immunosor- bent assay
- EMACO etoposide, methotrexate,
- actinomycin D, cytoxan, oncovin
- EMBx endometrial biopsy
- EMS emergency medical service/
- endometrial stripe
- EOC epithelial ovarian cancer
- EPDS Edinburgh postnatal depres- sion scale
- EPT expedited partner therapy
- ER emergency department/room
- ERCD elective repeat cesarean delivery
- ERCP endoscopic retrograde chol-
- angiopancreatography ERV expiratory reserve volume Erythro erythromycin
- ES elastic stockings
- ESR erythrocyte sedimentation
- rate
- ESRD end-stage renal disease
- ET endometrial thickness/ estrogen therapy
- EUA examination under anesthe-
- sia
- exp expiratory
- FAST focused assessment sonogra- phy for trauma
- FDA food drug administration
- FDG fluorodeoxyglucose
- FENa fractional excretion of sodi-
- um
- FEurea fractional excretion of urea FEV forced expiratory volume ffDNA free fetal DNA
- fFN fetal fibronectin
- FFP fresh frozen plasma
- FH fundal height
- FHH familial hypocalciuric hyper- calcemia
- FHM fetal heart motion
- FHR fetal heart rate
- FHRT FHR tracing
- FHT fetal heart tones
- FIGO Federation of Gynecology
- and Obstetrics
- FISH fluorescence in situ hybrid- ization
- FL femur length
- FLM fetal lung maturity
- FM fetal movement
- FMH fetomaternal hemorrhage FMP final menstrual period FNA fine-needle aspiration FRC functional residual capacity
- FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
- FTA-ABS fluorescent treponemal anti-
- body absorption
- FTT failure to thrive
- FVIII factor VIII
- FVL factor V Leiden
- FU fluorouracil
- FVC forced vital capacity
- fx fracture or function
- GA general anesthesia G20210A prothrombin G20210A GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid GAD glutamic acid decarboxylase GBS group B Streptococcus GC/CT Neisseria gonorrhoeae/
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- G-CSF granulocyte colony-stimulat- ing factor
- GCT granulosa cell tumor
- GDM gestational diabetes mellitus
- GDPP gonadotropin-dependent
- (central) precocious puberty
- GERD gastroesophageal reflux dis-
- ease
- GFR glomerular filtration rate GGT g-glutamyl transpeptidase GH growth hormone GHTN gestational hypertension GLT glucose loading test GnRH gonadotropin-releasing
- hormone
- G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehy- drogenase
- GS gestational sac
- GTN gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
- GTT glucose tolerance test
- GVHD graft versus host disease
- H Hispanic
- HA headache/hemolytic anemia
- HAART highly-active antiretroviral therapy
- HAP hospital-acquired pneumonia
- HAV hepatitis A virus
- HbA hemoglobin A
- HbA1c hemoglobin A1c
- HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen HbEP hemoglobin electrophoresis HbF hemoglobin F
- HbS hemoglobin S
- HBV hepatitis B virus
- HC head circumference
- HCAP healthcare-associated pneu-
- monia
- hCG human chorionic gonadotropin
- HCV hepatitis C virus
- HDL high-density lipoprotein
- HDR high-dose rate
- HDV hepatitis D virus
- HEAA hydroxyethoxyacetic acid HEG hyperemesis gravidarum HELLP Hemolysis, Elevated Liver
- enzymes, Low Platelets HepBIg hepatitis B immune globulin HEV hepatitis E virus
- H/H hemoglobin and hematocrit
- HIDA hepatobiliary iminodiacetic
- acid
- HIT heparin-induced thrombocy-
- topenia
- HIV human immunodeficiency virus
- HK hypokinesis
- HL humerus length
- HLA human leukocyte antigen
- HLHS hypoplastic left heart syn- drome
- hMG human menopausal gonado-
- tropin
- HNPCC hereditary nonpolyposis
- colorectal cancer
- HoNa hyponatremia
- HoTN hypotension
- HPA hypothalamic–pituitary– adrenal
- hPL human placental lactogen HPO hypothalamic–pituitary– ovarian
- HPV human papilloma virus
- HQOL health-related QOL
- HRT hormone replacement therapy
- HSDD hypoactive sexual desire dis-
- order
- HSG hysterosalpingogram
- HSV herpes simplex virus
- HT hormone therapy
- HTLV human T-cell lymphotropic
- virus
- HUS hemolytic uremic syndrome hyperaldo hyperaldosteronism hyperK hyperkalemia
- HyperNa hypernatremia hyperphos hyperphosphatemia HypoCa hypocalcemia hypoK hypokalemia hypophos hypophosphatemia
- IAS internal anal sphincter
- IBD inflammatory bowel disease IC inspiratory capacity/intersti- tial cystitis
- ICP intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
- ICSI intracytoplasmic sperm injection
- ICU intensive care unit
- I&D incision & drainage
- IEA inferior epigastric artery
- IFN interferon
- IGF insulin-like growth factor
- IMRT intensity-modulated radia- tion therapy
- INH isoniazid
- innomin innominate
- INR international normalized ratio
- intravag intravaginal
- I&O input/output
- IOL induction of labor
- IP infundibulopelvic/intraperito- neal
- IPCD intermittent pneumatic com-
- pression devices
- IPV intimate partner violence
- IR immediate release
- IRV inspiratory reserve volume ISD intrinsic sphincteric deficiency ITP immune thrombocytopenia
- purpura
- IUD intrauterine device
- IUFD intrauterine fetal demise
- IUGR intrauterine growth restric-
- tion
- IUI intrauterine insemination
- IUP intrauterine pregnancy
- IV intravenous
- IVC inferior vena cava IVDU intravenous drug use IVF in vitro fertilization
- IVH intraventricular hemorrhage
- IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
- IVP intravenous pyelogram
- JVD jugular venous distension
- JVP jugular venous pressure
- K-B Kleihauer–Betke
- KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder
- LA left atrium/lupus anticoagu- lant
- LAD lymphadenopathy
- LAIV live attenuated influenza vaccine
- LBP low back pain
- LBW lean body weight/low birth weight
- LCIS lobular carcinoma in situ
- L&D labor and delivery LDH lactate dehydrogenase LDL low-density lipoprotein
- LDR low-dose rate LDUH low-dose UFH LE lower extremity
- LEEP loop electrosurgical excision procedure
- Levo levofloxacin
- LFT liver function tests
- LH luteinizing hormone
- LMP last menstrual period LMWH low molecular weight heparin LND lymph node dissection
- LNG IUD levonorgestrel-releasing
- intrauterine device
- LNG-IUS levonorgestrel intrauterine system
- LOF leakage of fluid
- LP low pressure/lumbar punc- ture
- LPP leak point pressure
- LPS lipopolysaccharides
- LPV localized provoked vulvodynia L/S lecithin/sphingomyelin LUNA laparoscopic uterosacral
- nerve ablation
- LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction
- LVSI lymphovascular space involvement
- MAC methotrexate, actinomycin D, cytoxan
- MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibi-
- tor
- MAP mean arterial pressure MCA middle cerebral artery MCV mean corpuscular volume MDCT multidetector CT
- MDD major depressive disorder
- MDI metered dose inhaler/ multiple daily injection
- MDPA medroxyprogesterone acetate
- MDR multidrug resistant
- MDS myelodysplastic syndrome MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia MESA microsurgical epididymal
- sperm aspiration
- MI myocardial infarction MIBG metaiodobenzylguanidine MIS Müllerian inhibiting sub-
- stance
- Mitoc mitochondrial
- MIVF maintenance intravenous fluid MMK Marshall–Marchetti–Krantz MMP matrix metalloproteinase MMR measles, mumps, rubella MOA mechanism of action
- MoM multiple of the median
- MR mental retardation/mitral regurgitation
- MRA magnetic resonance angiog-
- raphy
- MRAT melanoma risk assessment
- tool
- MRKH Mayer–Rokitansky–Kuster– Hauser
- MRSA methicillin-resistant Staph aureus
- MS mitral stenosis MSAFP maternal serum AFP MSD mean sac diameter MSH melanocyte-stimulating
- hormone
- MSK musculoskeletal
- MSM male sex with men
- MSSA methicillin-sensitive staphylo- coccus aureus
- MTC medullary thyroid cancer
- MTX methotrexate
- MUCP maximal urethral closure pressure
- MUGA multigated acquisition
- MUI mixed urinary incontinence
- MV mitral valve
- MVI multivitamin
- MVP maximum vertical pocket
- MVU Montevideo Units
- NAAT nucleic acid amplification test NAIT neonatal alloimmune throm- bocytopenia
- NB nasal bone
- NCAH nonclassical congenital
- adrenal hyperplasia NCI National Cancer Institute NE norepinephrine
- NEC necrotizing enterocolitis NETA Norethindrone acetate NGT nasogastric tube
- NICHD National Institute of Child
- Health and Human Development
- NICU neonatal intensive care unit NIH National Institute of Health NIHF nonimmune hydrops fetalis NNRTI nonnucleoside reverse tran-
- scriptase inhibitor
- NNT number needed to treat NPH neutral protamine Hagedorn NRFHT nonreassuring fetal heart
- tracing
- NS normal saline
- NST nonstress test
- NSTEMI non-ST segment elevation MI
- NT neural tube
- NT nuchal translucency
- NTD neural tube defect
- NVP nausea and vomiting of preg-
- nancy
- NYHA New York Heart Association
- OAB overactive bladder
- OC obstetric conjugate
- OCP oral contraceptive pill OGTT oral glucose tolerance test OHSS ovarian hyperstimulation
- syndrome
- OHVIRA obstructed hemivagina and
- ipsilateral renal anomaly
- OI opportunistic infection
- O&P ova and parasite
- OR odds ratio/operating room OSA obstructive sleep apnea OTC over-the-counter
- PA posterior–anterior/pulmo- nary artery
- PA primitive atrium
- PAC pulmonary artery catheter PAIS partial/incomplete AIS pANCAs perinuclear antineutrophil
- cytoplasmic antibodies PAP pulmonary artery pressure PAPP-A pregnancy-associated plasma
- protein A
- PCA patient-controlled analgesia
- PCEA patient-controlled epidural analgesia
- PCI percutaneous coronary intervention
- PCN penicillin
- PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome
- PCP primary care physician
- PCr plasma creatinine
- PCR polymerase chain reaction PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
- PD primary dysmenorrhea
- PDA patent ductus arteriosus PDPH postdural puncture headache PE pulmonary embolism
- PEC preeclampsia
- PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
- PET positron emission tomogra-
- phy
- PFT pulmonary function test
- PG phosphatidylglycerol/prosta- glandins
- PGD preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- pheo pheochromocytoma pHTN pulmonary hypertension PHV peak height velocity
- PI protease inhibitor
- PID pelvic inflammatory disease
- PIERS Preeclampsia Integrated
- Estimate of Risk
- PJP Pneumocystis jirovecii pneu-
- monia
- PLAP placental alkaline phosphatase
- PMDD premenstrual dysphoric dis-
- order
- PMH past medical history PMI point of maximal impulse PMNC polymorphonuclear cell PMP postmenopausal
- PMS premenstrual syndrome
- PNa plasma sodium
- PNA pneumonia
- POC products of conception
- POI premature ovarian insuffi- ciency
- POP progestin-only pill/pelvic
- organ prolapse
- POP-Q pelvic organ prolapse quanti-
- fication
- PORTEC postoperative radiation ther-
- apy in endometrial cancer
- PP postpartum
- PPD purified protein derivative
- PPE palmar plantar erythrodyses-
- thesia
- PPH postpartum hemorrhage PPI proton pump inhibitor PPROM preterm premature rupture
- of membranes
- PPV positive predictive value
- ppx prophylaxis
- PR per rectum/pulmonary regurgitation
- PRAMS Pregnancy Risk Assessment
- Monitoring System
- PRES posterior reversible enceph-
- alopathy syndrome
- PRL prolactin
- progest progestin
- PROM premature rupture of
- membranes
- PSI pneumonia severity index
- PSV peak systolic velocity
- PT prothrombin time
- ptb preterm birth
- PTD preterm delivery
- PTH parathyroid hormone
- PTHrP parathyroid hormone-related
- protein
- PTL preterm labor
- PTU propylthiouracil
- PTX pneumothorax
- PUBS periumbilical blood sampling
- PUPPP Pruritic Urticarial Papules
- and Plaques of Pregnancy PUVA psoralen and ultraviolet A PV per vagina/primitive ventricle
- PVA polyvinyl alcohol
- PVD peripheral vascular disease
- PVR postvoid residual/pulmonary vascular resistance
- pyelo pyelonephritis
- QOL quality of life
- RA right atrium
- RAI radioactive iodine
- RAIR rectoanal inhibitory reflex
- RAIU radioactive iodine uptake
- Rb retinoblastoma
- RBBB right bundle branch block
- RBC red blood cell
- RCRI revised cardiac risk index RCT randomized control trial RDS respiratory distress syndrome RDW red cell distribution width REDF reversed end diastolic flow retic reticulocyte
- RF(s) risk factor(s)
- RhD Rhesus D
- RI reticulocyte index
- RIBA recombinant immunoblot assay
- RN registered nurse
- RNA ribonucleic acid
- ROA right occiput anterior ROM rupture of membranes RPL recurrent pregnancy loss/
- retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy
- RPR rapid plasma reagin
- rpt = repeated
- RR relative risk
- RRMS relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis
- RRT renal replacement therapy
- RSV respiratory syncytial virus
- RT radiation therapy
- RUSB right upper sternal border
- RV residual volume/right ventricle
- SAB spontaneous abortion
- SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage
- SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
- SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis
- SBO small bowel obstruction
- SBP systolic blood pressure
- SCC squamous cell carcinoma
- SCD sequential compression device
- SCID severe combined immunode- ficiency disease
- SD secondary dysmenorrhea
- S/D systolic/diastolic
- SDP single deepest pocket
- SE profile side-effect profile
- SERM selective estrogen receptor modulators
- SGA small for gestational age
- SIDS sudden infant death syn- drome
- SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome
- SIS saline infusion sonography sonohysterography
- SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
- SMX sulfamethoxazole
- SNRIs serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
- SOB shortness of breath
- sPEC severe preeclampsia
- SPEP serum protein electrophoresis
- SQ subcutaneous
- SS sliding scale
- SSI surgical site infection
- SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
- STEMI ST segment elevation MI
- STI sexually transmitted infec- tion/disease
- SUI stress urinary incontinence
- SV stroke volume
- SVD spontaneous vaginal delivery SVR systemic vascular resistance SVT supraventricular tachycardia
- T testosterone
- TA transabdominal
- TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
- TBG thyroxine-binding globulin
- TC transcervical
- T&C type and crossmatch
- TCA tricyclic antidepressant
- TDaP tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis
- T2DM Type II Diabetes Mellitus TE tracheoesophageal TENS Transcutaneous electrical
- nerve stimulation
- TESE testicular sperm extraction
- TG triglycerides
- thal thalassemia
- TIA transient ischemic attack TIBC total iron-binding capacity TLC total lung capacity
- TLH total laparoscopic hysterec-
- tomy
- TMJ temporomandibular joint
- TMP trimethoprim
- TNF tumor necrosis factor TNM tumor, node, metastasis TOA tuboovarian abscess TOLAC trial of labor after prior
- cesarean
- TOT transobturator tape
- tPA tissue plasminogen activator TPN total parenteral nutrition TPO thyroid peroxidase
- TR tricuspid regurgitation TRAb TSH receptor antibody TRALI transfusion-related lung injury T&S type and screen
- TSH-R TSH receptor
- TSI TSH-stimulating immuno- globulin
- TST tuberculin skin test
- TTE transthoracic echocardiogra-
- phy
- TTP–HUS thrombotic
- thrombocytopenic purpura–hemolytic uremic syndrome
- TTTS twin-to-twin transfusion syn-
- drome
- TVL total vaginal length TVT tension-free vaginal tape TVUS transvaginal ultrasound
- UA urinary albumin
- UAE uterine artery embolization
- UC ulcerative colitis
- UCr urine creatinine
- uE3 unconjugated estriol UFH unfractionated heparin UNa urine sodium
- uncirc uncircumcised
- UOP urine output
- UPEP urine protein electrophore-
- sis
- UPSC uterine papillary serous car-
- cinoma
- URI upper respiratory infection
- Uro urology
- US ultrasound/ultrasonography
- USPSTF U.S. Preventive Services Task
- Force
- UTI urinary tract infection
- UUI urge urinary incontinence
- VAIN vaginal intraepithelial neopla-
- sia
- Vanco vancomycin
- VAP ventilation-associated pneumonia
- VB vaginal birth/vaginal bleeding
- VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean
- VBP vinblastine, bleomycin, carbo-
- platin
- VCAM vascular cell adhesion
- molecule
- VDRL venereal disease research laboratory
- VEGF vascular endothelial growth
- factor
- VIN vulvar epithelial neoplasia/
- vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia
- VSx vasomotor symptoms VSD ventriculoseptal defect VT tidal volume
- VTE venous thromboembolism
- VVF vesicovaginal fistula vWD von Willebrand disease vWF von Willebrand factor Vz/vac vaccine
- VZV varicella zoster virus
- WHI Women’s health initiative WHO World Health Organization wnl within normal limits WWE women with epilepsy
- XR extended release/x-ray
- XRT radiation therapy/ radiotherapy