A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U to Y
- Pain, midfoot, 1477
- Pain, plantar aspect, heel, 1477
- Pain, posterior heel, 1477
- Palindromic rheumatism, 1477
- Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, 1477
- Palpitations, 1477
- Pancreatic calcifications, 1477
- Pancreatic cystic lesions, 1478
- Pancreatic solid lesions, 1478
- Pancreatitis, acute, in children, 1478
- Pancreatitis, drug-induced, 1478
- Pancytopenia, 1479
- Pancytopenia syndrome, inherited, 1479
- Papilledema, 1479
- Papulosquamous diseases, 1479
- Paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes, 1479
- Paraneoplastic syndromes, endocrine, 1479
- Paraneoplastic syndromes, nonendocrine, 1479
- Paraparesis, acute or subacute, 1479
- Paraparesis, chronic progressive, 1480
- Paraplegia, 1480
- Parasellar masses, 1480
- Paresthesias, 1480
- Parkinsonism-plus syndromes, 1480
- Parotid swelling, 1480
- Pelvic avulsion fractures, 1481
- Pelvic mass, 1481
- Pelvic pain, causes in women, 1481
- Pelvic pain, chronic, 1481
- Pelvic pain, genital origin, 1481
- Pelvic pain, non-pregnant female, 1482
- Penile rash, 1482
- Perianal pain, 1482
- Pericardial effusion, 1482
- Periodic paralysis, hyperkalemic, 1482
- Periodic paralysis, hypokalemic, 1482
- Peritoneal carcinomatosis, 1482
- Peritoneal effusion, 1482
- Periumbilical swelling, 1483
- Pharyngeal obstruction, causes, 1483
- Pheochromocytoma-type spells, 1483
- Photodermatoses, 1483
- Photosensitivity, 1483
- Pigmenturia, 1483
- Pituitary region tumors, 1483
- Pleural effusions, 1483
- Pleural effusions, malignancy-associated, 1484
- Pneumatosis intestinalis in neonate and older child, 1484
- Pneumonia, chronic, 1484
- Pneumonia mimics, 1484
- Pneumonia, nonresponding, causes, 1484
- Pneumonia, recurrent, 1485
- Pneumoperitoneum, neonatal, 1485
- Pneumothorax, in children, 1485 Poliosis, 1485
- Polycythemia, 1485
- Polycythemias, differential diagnosis, 1485
- Polycythemia, relative versus absolute, 1486
- Polymyalgias, 1486
- Polyneuropathy, 1486
- Polyneuropathy, demyelinating, 1486
- Polyneuropathy, distal sensorimotor, 1486
- Polyneuropathy, drug-induced, 1487
- Polyneuropathy, symmetric, 1487
- Polyuria, 1487
- Popliteal swelling, 1487
- Portal hypertension, 1487
- Postmenopausal bleeding, 1488
- Postural hypotension, nonneurologic causes, 1488
- Premature graying, scalp hair, 1488
- Premature ventricular contractions and ventricular tachycardia, 1488
- Prolonged QT syndromes, 1488
- Proptosis, 1488
- Proptosis and palatal necrotic ulcers, 1488
- Protein-losing enteropathy, pediatric age, 1488
- Proteinuria, 1489
- Pruritus, 1489
- Pruritus ani, 1489
- Pruritus vulvae, 1489
- Pseudocyanosis, etiology, 1489
- Pseudohermaphroditism, female, 1489
- Pseudohermaphroditism, male, 1489
- Pseudoinfarction, 1489
- Psychosis, 1489
- Psychosis, medical disorders-induced, 1490
- Psychosis, medication-induced, 1490
- Ptosis, 1490
- Puberty, delayed, 1490
- Puberty, precocious, 1491
- Pulmonary crackles, 1491
- Pulmonary cysts on x-ray, 1491
- Pulmonary edema, noncardiogenic, 1491
- Pulmonary eosinophilia, 1491
- Pulmonary hemorrhage, pediatric age, 1491
- Pulmonary hemorrhagic syndromes, diffuse, 1491
- Pulmonary infiltrates, immunocompromised host, 1492
- Pulmonary lesions, 1492
- Pulmonary mass, solitary, causes, 1492
- Pulmonary mass, solitary, mimics, 1492
- Pulmonary nodule, solitary, 1492
- Pulmonary–renal syndromes, causes, 1492
- Pulseless electrical activity, 1492
- Pupillary dilatation, poor response to darkness, 1492
- Purpura, 1493
- Purpura, nonpalpable, 1493
- Purpura, nonpurpuric disorders simulating purpura, 1493
- Purpura, palpable, 1493