BRS – Pediatrics: Adolescent Medicine

BRS – Pediatrics: Adolescent Medicine

Source: BRS Pediatrics, 2019

I. Adolescent Growth and Development

A. Growth. Adolescence is a time of substantial physical growth and pubertal maturation.
1. Changes in physical growth

a. The average duration of the growth spurt is 2–4 years.
b. Growth is predominantly controlled by growth hormone, although insulin, thyroid hormone, and sex steroids also influence growth.
c. Nearly 50% of ideal adult body weight and 25% of final adult height are gained during the pubertal growth spurt.
d. The growth spurt occurs 18–24 months earlier in females than in males (Tanner 2–3 for girls vs. Tanner 4 for boys).

2. Development of genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics

a. The average duration of puberty is 3–4 years.
b. Endocrinologic changes during puberty. The precise factor responsible for the initiation of puberty is unknown.

1. Adrenarche, the onset of adrenal androgen steroidogenesis, occurs 2 years before the maturation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis.
2. True puberty is said to occur when gonadotropins, such as luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and gonadal sex steroids (e.g., estrogen and testosterone) increase.
3. Table 3-1 lists the actions of hormones in males and females.

c. Physical changes during puberty

1. Males. Puberty begins later in males than in females.

a. Testicular enlargement and thinning of the scrotum often begins between ages 11 and 12 years and is the first sign of puberty.
b. Facial and axillary hair growth begins approximately 2 years after the growth of pubic hair begins.
c. Figure 3-1 shows the five stages of development of male genitalia and pubic hair as described by Tanner (Tanner staging or sexual maturity rating [SMR]).

2. Females. Puberty begins with the development of breast buds (thelarche) at a mean age of 9.5 years.

a. Pubic hair generally follows thelarche.
b. Menarche, the onset of the first menstrual cycle, occurs at a mean age of 12.5 years and occurs 2–3 years after thelarche.
c. Figures 3-2 and 3-3 show the development of breasts and pubic hair, respectively, as described by Tanner.

B. Psychosocial development. Adolescent development may be classified into three stages: early, middle, and late. As an adolescent passes through the stages of psychosocial development, he or she develops a sense of self, achieves increasing independence from his or her parents, increases his or her involvement with peer groups, and develops a healthy body image as well as more defined goals for the future.
1. Early adolescence (10–13 years of age)

a. Early shift to independence from parents, with declining interest in family activities, beginnings of conflicts with parents, and the presence of mood and behavior changes
b. Preoccupation with pubertal body changes and the need for privacy
c. Same-sex peer relationships
d. Concrete cognition. Beginnings of abstract thinking and lack of impulse control, with risk-taking behaviors

2. Middle adolescence (14–17 years of age)

a. Increased conflicts with parents and heightened demands for privacy and autonomy
b. Diminished preoccupation with pubertal changes but increased preoccupation with methods to improve one’s own physical attractiveness
c. Intense peer group involvement and initiation of romantic relationships
d. Increasing abstract reasoning and risk-taking
e. Introspective, long-term thinking but questionable decision-making skills

3. Late adolescence (18–21 years of age)

a. Development of self as distinct from parents. Adolescents are better able to take and more likely to seek advice from parents. Peers are less influential.
b. Being comfortable with own body image
c. A shared intimate relationship with at least one partner
d. Well-developed abstract thought processes, with fewer risk-taking behaviors. Adolescents are able to articulate future educational and vocational goals.

Table 3-1. Actions of Sex Hormones in Both Males and Females

Hormone Action in Males Action in Females
Follicle-stimulating hormone
Induces spermatogenesis
Stimulates development of ovarian follicles
Stimulates ovarian granulosa cells to produce estrogen
Luteinizing hormone
Induces testicular Leydig cells to produce testosterone
Stimulates ovarian theca cells to produce androgens
Stimulates corpus luteum to produce progesterone
Midcycle surge results in ovulation
Increases linear growth and muscle mass Induces development of penis, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles
Induces growth of pubic, axillary, and facial hair
Deepens voice Increases libido
Stimulates linear growth Stimulates growth of pubic and axillary hair
Increases rate of epiphyseal fusion
Stimulates breast development Triggers midcycle luteinizing hormone surge
Stimulates labial, vaginal, and uterine development
Stimulates growth of a proliferative endometrium
Low level stimulates linear growth High level increases rate of epiphyseal fusion
Converts endometrium to a secretory endometrium
Adrenal androgens
Stimulates growth of pubic hair Stimulates linear growth
Stimulates growth of pubic hair Stimulates linear growth
Adapted from Neinstein LS. Adolescent Health Care, A Practical Guide. 3rd Ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1996.
FIGURE 3.1 Sexual maturity ratings for male genitalia and pubic hair development.
FIGURE 3.2 Sexual maturity ratings for female breast development.
FIGURE 3.3 Sexual maturity ratings for female pubic hair development.

II. Adolescent Health Screening

A. Goals are to promote optimal physical and psychosocial growth and development.
B. History. Information should be obtained directly from the adolescent alone. However, the family can also be an important source of additional information. Practitioners may choose to interview the family together with the adolescent, either before or after interviewing the adolescent alone.
1. Confidentiality, trust, and rapport are important to establish to provide effective care to adolescents. Confidentiality encourages adolescents to seek care and protects them from embarrassment and discrimination.
a. Rapport can be best established by beginning the history with nonthreatening subjects such as favorite hobbies, interests, or activities.
b. Information provided by the adolescent should remain confidential, although sexual or physical abuse and suicidal or homicidal intention must be reported to the appropriate authorities.
c. Most state laws allow adolescents to consent without parent approval for pregnancy-related care, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), reproductive health care, sexual assault services, counseling and treatment of drug or alcohol problems, and mental health treatment.
2. Components of the history include present illness or concerns, medical and family histories, and a psychosocial history using the HEADDSSS assessment (home, education/employment, activities, diet, drugs, sexual activity, suicide and depression, safety; Table 3-2).
C. Physical examination. The physician should pay special attention to physical growth and pubertal development, detection of disease, and specific adolescent concerns.
1. Height and weight should be measured and plotted on age-appropriate growth charts. Body mass index (BMI) should be calculated.
2. Blood pressure, pulse, and vision and hearing assessments should be performed.
3. Skin should be examined for acne and fungal infections or any other rashes. Tattoos and body piercings should be noted.
4. Teeth should be examined for malocclusion and hygiene.
5. Thyroid should be palpated for enlargement or nodules.
6. Back should be evaluated for scoliosis or kyphosis.
7. Pubertal development should be assessed, and an SMR (Tanner rating) should be assigned (see Figures 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3).
8. Male genitalia should be examined for scrotal masses and inguinal hernias. Instruction should be given on the performance of a proper testicular self-examination.
9. Female genitalia should be examined at least once during puberty to document SMR. A complete pelvic examination should be performed (1) if the patient is sexually active and has a history of pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, or abnormal bleeding or (2) if she is 21 years or older to perform cervical cancer screening, if indicated. In addition, instruction should be given on the performance of proper breast self-examination for future health maintenance examinations.
D. Immunizations
1. Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis booster (Tdap) should be given between 11 and 12 years of age, and Td every 10 years thereafter.
2. Measles, mumps, and rubella booster (MMR) and the hepatitis B vaccine series should be given if not given before adolescence.
3. Hepatitis A vaccine should be given to those adolescents who reside in endemic areas

and who have not previously received the hepatitis A vaccine series.
4. Varicella vaccine should be administered if the adolescent has not had chickenpox and has not received the appropriate vaccination series against the disease.
5. Meningococcal vaccine should be given between 11 and 12 years of age and at 16 years.
6. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine series should begin routinely at 11 or 12 years of age, and it can be administered starting at 9 years.
7. Annual influenza vaccination
E. Laboratory studies
1. Hemoglobin or hematocrit to screen for anemia
2. Urinalysis screening is no longer recommended.
3. Cholesterol level or fasting lipid panel (see Chapter 1, section IV.F for guidelines)
4. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing is recommended annually for all sexually active teens.
5. Mantoux skin test (purified protein derivative [PPD]) for tuberculosis (TB) should be administered at least once during adolescence. PPD may be necessary more often if the adolescent is at high risk of exposure to TB. The interferon-gamma release assay (e.g., QuantiFERON-TB Gold) may be indicated for greater specificity in lieu of the PPD skin test.
6. Sexually active adolescent females should be screened annually for the following STIs:
a. Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) of urine or vaginal swab for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
b. Serologic test for syphilis for high-risk teens, including pregnant adolescents
c. HIV testing
d. Routine screening for Trichomonas vaginalis, bacterial vaginosis (BV), herpes simplex virus (HSV), HPV, and hepatitis A and B virus is generally not recommended for adolescents who are asymptomatic.
7. Sexually active adolescent males should have annual HIV screening and syphilis serology (for young men who have sex with men [YMSM] and routinely for all young men in communities with higher prevalence), routine urinalysis for pyuria, and a NAAT for C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae.
F. Health guidance. Counseling should be provided annually regarding:
1. Injury prevention. Education should include counseling about alcohol, tobacco and drug avoidance, firearm safety, violence management, the use of seat belts and motorcycle and bicycle helmets, and dangers of driving while intoxicated or riding with a driver who has been drinking alcohol.
2. Benefits of a healthy diet and physical exercise
3. Education regarding responsible sexual behaviors and healthy relationships

Table 3-2
HEADDSSS Questionnaire Used in Psychosocial Assessment of Adolescents

Where, and with whom, does the teen live?
Does the teen feel like he or she has his or her own “space”? Has the teen ever run away or been arrested?
How does the teen interact with parents? Is there a firearm at home?
Education and employment
Is the teen in school? What is the teen’s academic performance? What classes does the teen enjoy? Dislike?
Has the teen ever been truant or suspended? Dropped out? What are the teen’s career goals?
Does the teen have a job? If so, does the job contribute to the overall household budget?

What are the teen’s hobbies?
What does the teen enjoy doing after school? On weekends? With whom does the teen spend free time?
What is a typical meal? Does the teen have any food restrictions?
Is the teen comfortable with current weight? What does the teen do to maintain weight?
Has the teen tried any drugs? If yes, which drugs and how much? How often? Has the teen used tobacco? Alcohol? Steroids?
Do the teen’s friends use drugs, tobacco, or alcohol?
Sexual activity
Does the teen currently have a romantic interest or attraction to someone? What is the teen’s sexual orientation? Is the teen currently sexually active? If yes, what type of contraception is used? Does the teen use condoms? How many sexual partners? Any STIs?
Does the teen have any history of sexual or physical abuse?
Suicide and depression
Is the teen ever sad or depressed? Any cutting behavior?
Has the teen ever considered or attempted suicide?
Does the teen wear a helmet when riding a bike? Use seatbelts when driving? Drive with someone who has been drinking alcohol?
STI = sexually transmitted infection.

III. Depression and Suicide
A. Epidemiology
1. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in adolescents 15–19 years of age, after unintentional injuries and homicide.
2. Episodes of sadness or depressed mood occur monthly in the majority of adolescents, and 10% of teens are clinically depressed.
3. Females are depressed two times as often as males.
4. Risk factors for suicide or depression
a. Family or peer conflicts
b. Substance abuse
c. Significant loss, including death of a loved one
d. Divorce or separation of parents
e. Poor school performance or learning disability
f. Physical or sexual abuse
g. Family history of depression or suicide
h. Previous suicide attempt
i. Physical illness or chronic disease
B. Clinical features ofdepression
1. Teens with depression can have a wide range of behavioral, physical, and psychological symptoms.
a. Behavioral signs of depression include missing school, change in school performance, acting out (e.g., arguing with family and friends, stealing, destruction of property), lack of interest in activities that previously were pleasurable, desire to be alone or being withdrawn, and substance abuse.
b. Physical signs of depression include abdominal pain, headaches, weight loss, overeating, insomnia, anxiousness, diminished appetite, and fatigue.
c. Psychological signs of depression include sadness, feelings of hopelessness, low self- esteem, excessive self-criticism, and feeling worthless.
2. The following are the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria for major depression: Five or more of nine symptoms must be present almost every day for at least 2 weeks and must impair ability to function normally.
a. Depressed or irritable mood
b. Diminished interest or pleasure in activities
c. Significant weight gain or loss
d. Insomnia or hypersomnia
e. Psychomotor agitation or retardation
f. Fatigue or energy loss
g. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
h. Diminished ability to think or concentrate
i. Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, a suicide attempt, or a specific plan
C. Clinical features of dysthymic disorder. Dysthymia is a more chronic mood disturbance that lasts at least 1 year. The symptoms of dysthymia are milder than those of depression. The following are the DSM-5 criteria for dysthymia:
1. While depressed, two of six of the following symptoms must be present:
a. Poor appetite or overeating
b. Insomnia or hypersomnia
c. Diminished energy or fatigue

d. Low self-esteem
e. Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
f. Feelings of hopelessness
2. Symptoms must last for at least 1 year.
3. Symptoms are not attributable to physical effects of a substance, medication, or another medical condition.

IV. Substance Abuse
A. Epidemiology. Of high school seniors, 75% have tried alcohol, 50% have tried an illicit drug, and 50% have tried cigarettes.
B. Etiology. Use by family or peers, experimentation, stress relief, poor self-esteem, boredom, social acceptance, enhancement of ability to act socially, and acting-out behavior against authority figures are all reasons why adolescents may use illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
C. Diagnosis. Substance abuse should be considered if the following factors are present: mood or sleep disturbances, truancy, decline in school performance, changes in friends and family relationships, absent or hostile communication, diminished appetite or weight loss, depression, and diminished participation in school or household responsibilities.
D. Risk factors for the development of substance abuse
1. Household use
2. Depression
3. Anxiety
4. Impulse control problems
5. Attention deficit disorders, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
E. Most commonly used substances: alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana
1. Alcohol is the most commonly used substance.
a. Problem drinking is defined as having been intoxicated six or more times within
1 year or having problems in areas attributable to drinking, such as missing classes at school; arguing with teachers, classmates, or friends; or driving intoxicated.
b. Binge drinking is defined as five or more consecutive drinks at one sitting. As many as 50% of all college students report binge drinking, and binge drinkers are more likely to become involved in physical altercations, to drive drunk, and to have unplanned sexual intercourse.
c. Alcoholism is defined as a preoccupation with and impaired control over drinking, despite adverse consequences.
d. The CAGE questionnaire may be used to screen for alcoholism, but is generally a more appropriate screening tool for adults.
1. Have you ever felt you had to cut down on drinking?
2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
3. Have you ever felt guilty about drinking?
4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning (eye opener)?
e. The CRAFFT screening tool is a validated behavioral health screening tool developed for use with patients younger than 21 years to screen for high-risk alcohol and other drug use disorders simultaneously. (If the answer to one or more questions in Part A is “yes,” continue with Part B.)
1. Part A. During the past 12 months, did you
a. Drink any alcohol (more than a few sips)?
b. Smoke any marijuana or hashish?
c. Use anything else to get high?
2. Part B
a. Have you ever ridden in a CAR driven by someone (including yourself) who was “high” or had been using alcohol or drugs?
b. Do you ever use alcohol or drugs to RELAX, feel better about yourself, or fit in?
c. Do you ever use alcohol or drugs while you are by yourself or ALONE?
d. Do you ever FORGET things you did while using alcohol or drugs?

2. Tobacco

a. Do your FAMILY or FRIENDS ever tell you that you should cut down on your drinking or drug use?
b. Have you ever gotten into TROUBLE while you are using alcohol or drugs?

a. Teens who smoke tobacco are more likely to try other drugs and have lower academic performance.
b. Nicotine is highly addictive. Most adult smokers began smoking in their teenage years.
c. Health risks of smoking
1. Coronary artery disease and stroke
2. Cancers of the lungs, mouth, esophagus, stomach, larynx, and urinary tract
3. Chronic lung disease and asthma
4. Peptic ulcer disease
5. Pregnancy complications, such as stillbirth, low birth weight, and higher- than- average infant mortality
d. More than 3 million teens chew smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco is associated with oral cancers, gingival recession, and low birth weight and premature delivery in mothers who use it during pregnancy.
e. Alternative tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) are battery- powered devices that heat and vaporize a liquid nicotine solution. The user inhales the vapor created and ingests the nicotine (“vaping”). E-cigs are sold in many colors, shapes, flavors, and sizes. The amount of nicotine and other harmful ingredients in each cartridge is variable. These products are not regulated or approved by any government agencies, and in some states, there is no age limit to purchase e-cigs.
3. Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug. It is derived from the plant Cannabis sativa. The active ingredient is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
a. Physical effects typically include tachycardia, mydriasis, sleepiness, conjunctival erythema, dry mouth, auditory and visual hallucinations, increased appetite, and impaired cognition.
b. Long-term consequences of heavy marijuana use may include asthma, impaired memory and learning, truancy, diminished interpersonal interactions, and depression.

V. Obesity and Eating Disorders
A. Obesity is one of the most common chronic illnesses among adolescents.
1. Definitions
a. Body weight 20% greater than ideal body weight
b. BMI (body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) greater than 95% for age and sex
c. Body fat content may also be determined by measuring skinfold thickness at the triceps and subscapular areas.
2. Etiology. Often multifactorial. Obesity is commonly the result of the interaction of genetic factors, increased caloric intake, diminished energy expenditure, and poor eating behaviors. Underlying endocrinologic or genetic causes (e.g., hypothyroidism, Cushing disease, hypogonadism, Prader–Willi syndrome) are found in only 5% of patients.
3. Health effects associated with obesity
a. Earlier pubertal development
b. Hypertension and cardiovascular disease
c. Hypercholesterolemia and elevated triglycerides
d. Type 2 diabetes mellitus
e. Gallbladder disease
f. Orthopedic problems such as back pain and tibia vara (bowlegs)
g. Poor body image, depression, and low self-esteem
4. Management. Treatment is challenging and must be multifaceted. Therapies include modification of eating behaviors, promotion of healthy nutrition, a balanced weight reduction program, exercise, and psychological support.
B. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa typically occur in females 13–18 years of age.
1. Epidemiology. Anorexia nervosa occurs in approximately 0.5–1% of adolescents, and
bulimia nervosa occurs in approximately 1–5% of adolescents.
2. Diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa
a. Caloric intake is insufficient to maintain weight or growth.
b. Adolescent has a delusion of being fat and an obsession to become thin.
c. Specific criteria (DSM-5)
1. Refusal to maintain body weight at normal weight for age and height. Body weight is below a minimally normal level for age, sex, developmental growth, and physical health.
2. Intense fear of weight gain or becoming fat with persistent behavior that interferes with weight gain
3. Disturbed body image (weight or shape)
d. Excessive exercise, fluctuating emotions, withdrawal from peers and family, and a preoccupation with food are often present.
e. Patients often do not recognize the serious medical implications of their malnourished state.
3. Diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa
a. Eating pattern includes binge eating, in which a large volume of food is consumed in a short period.
b. Specific criteria (DSM-5)
1. Recurrent episodes of binge eating at least once a week for 3 months with inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain.
2. Lack of control over eating during binging. Anxiety, guilt, or sadness often occurs after each binge.

3. Purging using self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, or other medications, including enemas to prevent weight gain. Fasting, rigorous exercise, or diet pills also may be used to prevent weight gain.
4. Disturbed body image
4. Physical examination and laboratory findings are described in Table 3-3.
5. Management. Treatment of an adolescent with anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa is challenging and long term, and requires a multidisciplinary team approach, including involvement of the family.
a. Normal nutrition must be established, anorexic or bulimic behaviors must be relinquished, and the adolescent must gain insight into the reasons behind the disorder. Nutritional guidance and psychological counseling are often required.
b. Hospitalization is necessary if the adolescent has evidence of severe weight loss, electrolyte abnormalities, dehydration, abnormal vital signs, suicidal thoughts, out- of-control behavior, medical complications (such as seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, or pancreatitis), or failure of outpatient medical management (including food refusal).

Table 3-3
Physical Examination and Laboratory Abnormalities in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

Disorder Examination Findings Laboratory Findings
Anorexia nervosa
Weight ≥ 15% below ideal level Hypothermia
Hypotension Bradycardia
Delayed growth and puberty Amenorrhea
Malnourished (wasted, hypoactive bowel sounds, dependent edema, fine lanugo hair)
Evidence of dehydration
Anemia Leukopenia Low thyroxine Low glucose Low calcium Low magnesium
Low phosphorus Low zinc
Low sex steroids
High blood urea nitrogen High liver transaminases High cholesterol
Prolongation of QTc on electrocardiogram
Bulimia nervosa
Less ill-appearing Normal weight (usually)
Hypothermia, hypotension, and bradycardia if excessive purging
Sequelae of vomiting (trauma to palate and hands, loss of dental enamel, parotid swelling)
Low chloride, low potassium, low sodium, and high blood urea nitrogen and high bicarbonate if excessive vomiting

VI. Female Reproductive Health Issues
One-half of adolescents are sexually active by the end of high school.

A. Pregnancy
1. Epidemiology. One million adolescent females (one of every nine) become pregnant every year in the United States.
a. One-fifth of adolescent pregnancies occur within the first month after the teen first commences sexual intercourse.
b. Most (80%) adolescent pregnancies are unintentional.
c. One-half of adolescent pregnancies result in delivery, one-third result in abortion, and one-sixth result in miscarriage.
2. Associated conditions. Adolescent pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy associated with increased incidence of the following:
a. Infant health problems, including low birth weight and increased infant mortality
b. Maternal health problems, including anemia, hypertension, and preterm labor
c. Dropping out of school
d. Unemployment and the need for public assistance
B. Contraception
1. One-half of all sexually active adolescents do not use any contraception for one or more of the following reasons:
a. Ignorance of the contraceptive methods available
b. Denial of the risk of pregnancy
c. Barriers toward obtaining contraception, including issues of confidentiality and cost
d. Refusal by partner to use contraception
e. Religious beliefs
f. Ambivalence about, or desire for, pregnancy
2. Contraceptive methods
a. Abstinence offers the greatest protection and should always be discussed as a reasonable option to sexual intercourse.
b. Barrier methods include the male condom, female condom, vaginal diaphragm, and cervical cap. The vaginal diaphragm and cervical cap are not recommended for most teenagers.
1. Male condom. This sheath is placed onto the erect penis to prevent passage of sperm into the vagina.
a. Condoms are very important as a barrier against STIs. Only condoms made of latex protect against transmission of the HIV virus.
b. Advantages include low cost and safety.
c. Disadvantages include availability, interference with spontaneity, and rare allergic reactions.
2. Female condom. This polyurethane sheath is placed into the vagina to prevent the passage of sperm.
a. Advantages include protection against STIs.
b. Disadvantages include vaginal irritation or allergy and awkwardness of placement.
c. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) can be safe, effective methods of birth control for most adolescents. Two types of IUDs, the T38A copper-bearing and the progesterone- releasing IUD, are available.

1. Mechanisms of action include interference with sperm transport and motility (copper IUD) and induction of endometrial atrophy (progesterone IUD).
2. Advantages include a single act of motivation for long-term use, no further office visits required once inserted, long term cost-effectiveness, reversibility, rapid return to fertility, convenience, and privacy.
3. Disadvantages include lack of protection against STIs, uterine bleeding and cramping, need for insertion by a health care professional, and initial higher cost. Risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) with IUDs is only during insertion.
d. Etonogestrel implant. This single-rod, progestin-only subdermal radiopaque implant is placed at the inner side of the nondominant upper arm. It is effective for up to 3 years and must be removed by the end of the third year.
1. Mechanism of action includes suppression of ovulation, increased viscosity of the cervical mucus, and alterations in the endometrium.
2. Advantages include a single act of motivation required for insertion, no further health care visits needed, reversibility, rapid return to fertility, convenience, and privacy.
3. Disadvantages include changes in menstrual cycle, lack of protection against STIs, need for insertion and removal by a certified professional, and initial higher cost.
e. Vaginal ring. This flexible polymeric ring releases estrogen and progesterone continuously through the vaginal wall into the systemic circulation. It is self- inserted into the vagina and worn for 3 out of 4 consecutive weeks.
1. Mechanism of action includes inhibition of ovulation, alteration of the cervical mucus to prevent sperm entry, and promotion of endometrial changes to reduce the likelihood of implantation.
2. Advantages include safety; high effectiveness; monthly method, which promotes adherence; and easy reversibility.
3. Disadvantages include local irritation, vaginal discomfort and discharge, sensation of foreign body, and coital expulsion. In addition, the teen must be comfortable touching the genitalia for insertion and removal.
f. Oral contraceptives are either a combination of estrogen and progesterone or progesterone only.
1. Mechanisms of action include inhibition of ovulation and thickening of cervical mucus, which interferes with passage of sperm.
2. Advantages include decreased dysmenorrhea, regulation of menstrual bleeding, possible protection against endometrial and ovarian cancer, improved acne, and spontaneity.
3. Disadvantages include headache, weight gain, amenorrhea, breakthrough bleeding, mood changes, nausea, lack of protection against STIs, and the need to remember to take the pill daily.
4. Absolute contraindications to taking oral contraceptives include pregnancy, history of thromboembolic events, breast cancer, stroke, coronary artery disease, and liver disease. Relative contraindications include hypertension, migraine headaches, sickle cell anemia, elevated lipids, and smoking. However, the advantages of combined oral contraceptives generally outweigh the risks in those who are younger than 35 years and smoke.
g. Contraceptive injections involve the slow release of the progestin
depomedroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera).
1. Advantages include contraceptive protection for 3 months after each injection

and confidentiality.
2. Disadvantages include need for an intramuscular injection every 3 months, irregular bleeding, possible weight gain, reversible osteopenia, and lack of protection against STIs.
h. Table 3-4 lists the failure rate for each of the contraceptive methods.

Table 3-4
Contraceptive Effectiveness

Method Failure Rate (%)
Chance 85
Female condom 21–26
Spermicide alone 21
Withdrawal 19
Male condom 12–15
Oral contraceptives 3–10
Vaginal ring 0.65–1
Intrauterine device 0.1–0.6
Depo-Provera <0.3
Implantable rod <0.05
Adapted from Neinstein LS. Adolescent Health Care, A Practical Guide. 5th Ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007:586.
*Failure rate is percent accidental pregnancy during the first year of typical use.

VII. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
HSV, HPV, and C. trachomatis are the three most common STIs in the United States.

A. Epidemiology
1. STIs occur most commonly in adolescents and young adults. Diagnosis of one STI is
strongly associated with the likelihood of having another STI.
2. Risk factors for STIs
a. Lack of barrier contraception
b. Young age at initiation of sexual intercourse
c. Spontaneous sexual encounters
d. Multiple sequential sexual partners
e. Concurrent substance abuse
f. Perceived lack of risk
g. Incarceration
h. Teen pregnancy
i. Teens who are homosexual or bisexual
j. Cervical ectopy in adolescent females. In general, these individuals are at a higher risk because of the presence of cervical ectopy (the presence of cervical columnar epithelium) to which C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae preferentially attach.
k. Minority youth
B. Clinical features
1. Vaginitis. This disorder may be sexually transmitted, in the case of T. vaginalis, or may be caused by Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) or candidal infection, diseases not necessarily associated with sexual transmission.
a. T. vaginalis, a protozoan, accounts for 15–20% of cases of adolescent vaginitis.
1. Clinical findings
a. Malodorous, profuse, yellow-green discharge
b. Cervix may be friable and covered with petechiae (strawberry cervix)
c. Vulvar inflammation and itching
d. Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse)
e. T. vaginalis is asymptomatic or mild in 70–85% of males and females.
2. Diagnosis
a. NAAT on endocervical, vaginal, or urethral swab or urine specimen
b. Wet-mount saline microscopy may demonstrate motile flagellated protozoa but has low sensitivity.
c. Positive culture for T. vaginalis
d. Vaginal pH > 4.5
3. Management includes oral metronidazole or tinidazole. Alcohol ingestion while taking these medications may result in an Antabuse-type reaction with severe vomiting. Partners should also be treated.
4. Complications include increased risk for HIV acquisition, preterm delivery, and adverse pregnancy outcomes
b. BV is a common cause of vaginitis in adolescents, and is caused by a change in the vaginal flora because of a reduction of lactobacilli, which are normally present. Fewer lactobacilli result in increased concentration of Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and anaerobic Gram-negative rods.
1. Clinical findings
a. Gray-white thin vaginal discharge that may adhere to the vaginal wall
b. Pungent “fishy” odor

c. Little vaginal or vulvar inflammation
2. Diagnosis
a. Positive “whiff test” in which the “fishy” odor is enhanced on addition of 10% potassium hydroxide solution to vaginal secretions
b. Presence of “clue cells” on wet-mount saline microscopy (vaginal epithelial cells covered with adherent bacteria, which results in a hazy, granular appearance to the cell borders)
c. Typical vaginal discharge
d. Vaginal pH > 4.5
3. Management includes oral metronidazole or topical intravaginal therapy with 2% clindamycin or 0.75% metronidazole gel. Partners do not require treatment.
4. BV infection increases the risk of acquisition of other STIs (including HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HSV-2), complications after gynecologic surgery, pregnancy-related complications, and recurrence of BV. BV also increases the risk of transmission of HIV to male sex partners.
c. Candidal vulvovaginitis is usually caused by Candida albicans.
1. Clinical findings
a. Severe itching and a thick white, curdlike vaginal discharge
b. Vulvar and vaginal inflammation: edema, erythema, fissures, excoriations
2. Diagnosis
a. Clinical signs and symptoms
b. Fungal hyphae seen on wet-mount saline or potassium hydroxide microscopy or Gram stain of vaginal discharge
c. Normal vaginal pH (<4.5)
d. Positive culture for yeast
3. Management includes oral fluconazole or topical intravaginal antiyeast therapies. Partners do not require treatment. Teens should be aware that oil- based intravaginal anti-yeast creams and suppositories may weaken latex condoms.
2. Cervicitis. This inflammation of the mucous membranes of the endocervix is most commonly caused by C. trachomatis or N. gonorrhoeae. Other causes include HSV (especially primary HSV-2 infection) and T. vaginalis.
a. C. trachomatis is an intracellular bacterium that infects the cervical columnar epithelium.
1. Clinical findings
a. Purulent or mucopurulent endocervical discharge
b. Friable, edematous, erythematous cervix
c. Dysuria and urinary frequency
d. Fifty percent of males and as many as seventy-five percent of females are asymptomatic.
2. Diagnosis
a. NAATs are the most sensitive tests and can be performed on urine, vaginal, and endocervical specimens.
b. Rapid antigen detection by direct fluorescent antibody staining or
enzyme immunoassay is very sensitive but has high false-positive rates.
3. Complications include PID, tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA), infertility, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain, Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome (perihepatitis), and neonatal conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

4. Management of uncomplicated C. trachomatis cervicitis includes oral azithromycin in a single dose (preferred method for teens) or doxycycline, erythromycin, levofloxacin, or ofloxacin for 1 week. Partners should also be treated.
b. N. gonorrhoeae is a Gram-negative intracellular diplococcus that infects the cervical columnar epithelium.
1. Clinical findings
a. Mucopurulent endocervical discharge, sometimes with vaginal bleeding
b. Dysuria and urinary frequency
c. Dyspareunia
d. Asymptomatic infection is common in females. Males may also be asymptomatic but often have symptoms.
2. Diagnosis
a. NAATs on urine, vaginal, or endocervical specimens
b. Culture of endocervical discharge inoculated immediately onto modified Thayer–Martin media
c. Gram stain demonstrating intracellular Gram-negative diplococci may be considered evidence of infection in symptomatic patients.
3. Complications include PID, TOA, chronic pelvic pain, neonatal conjunctivitis, Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome, and infertility. Disseminated infection may occur in up to 3% of patients and is characterized by asymmetric polyarthritis, papular and pustular skin lesions, and, rarely, meningitis, endocarditis, and septicemia.
4. Management of uncomplicated cervicitis caused by N. gonorrhoeae includes intramuscular ceftriaxone plus single-dose oral azithromycin for presumptive coinfection with C. trachomatis [see section VII.B.2.a.(4)]. Alternative therapy with single-dose oral cefixime and oral azithromycin should only be considered if ceftriaxone is unavailable. Partners should also be treated.
3. PID. This STI is an ascending infection in which pathogens from the cervix spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes.
a. Epidemiology
1. PID is polymicrobial and may be caused by N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis,
and nongonococcal, nonchlamydial aerobes and anaerobes.
2. PID is more common in the first half of the menstrual cycle, because menstruation enhances the spread of infection from the lower genital tract.
b. Clinical findings and diagnosis. The occurrence of particular signs and symptoms can lead to a presumptive diagnosis.
1. Both of the following must be present:
a. Pelvic or lower abdominal pain and tenderness
b. Uterine or cervical motion tenderness, or unilateral or bilateral adnexal tenderness
2. One of the following should also be present:
a. Temperature > 101°F (>38.3°C)
b. Abnormal cervical mucopurulent discharge or cervical friability
c. Presence of abundant numbers of white blood cells (WBCs) on saline microscopy of vaginal fluid
d. Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein
e. Laboratory documentation of N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis in the endocervix
3. Specific criteria for a definitive diagnosis:

a. Endometrial biopsy
b. Transvaginal sonography or magnetic resonance imaging
demonstrating specific findings such as TOA and free pelvic fluid
c. Laparoscopic findings consistent with PID
c. Management
1. Indications for hospitalization include presence of an adnexal mass, uncertainty regarding diagnosis or compliance, pregnancy, or failed outpatient therapy.
2. Inpatient treatment includes intravenous cefoxitin or cefotetan plus intravenous or oral doxycycline, or intravenous clindamycin plus intravenous gentamicin.
3. Outpatient treatment includes single-dose intramuscular ceftriaxone and 14 days of doxycycline, with or without oral metronidazole.
4. Urethritis. This condition, which is defined as inflammation of the urethra, occurs more commonly in males. Females with urethritis typically have associated cervicitis.
a. Epidemiology. Urethritis is characterized as gonococcal (caused by N. gonorrhoeae) or nongonococcal (most commonly caused by C. trachomatis). Other causes of nongonococcal urethritis include U. urealyticum, Mycoplasma genitalium, HSV, and T. vaginalis.
b. Clinical findings
1. Dysuria and increased urinary frequency
2. Mucopurulent urethral discharge
3. Asymptomatic infections are common.
c. Presumptive diagnosis
1. Mucopurulent urethral discharge
2. Greater than five WBCs per high-power field on Gram stain of urethral secretions
3. Greater than 10 WBCs per high-power field on first-void urine specimen
4. Positive leukocyte esterase on first-void urine specimen
d. Definitive diagnosis (C. trachomatis or N. gonorrhoeae). The diagnosis is confirmed by analysis of material obtained by swabbing the urethra, or by examination of discharge, or by urine testing using methods described in sections VII.B.2.a.(2) or VII.B.2.b.(2).
e. Management. Treatment is the same as described in sections VII.B.2.a.(4) or VII.B.2.b.(4).
5. Genital ulcers. These lesions are most commonly caused by HSV types 1 and 2, Treponema pallidum (syphilis), or Haemophilus ducreyi (chancroid). Clinical features, diagnosis, and management are described in Table 3-5.
6. Genital warts
a. Epidemiology. Genital warts are the most common STI.
1. Genital warts are caused by HPV and are transmitted by direct contact.
2. HPV types 16 and 18 cause most cervical, vulvar, vaginal, and anal carcinomas, but often do not cause visible warts.
3. External genital warts (nononcogenic, low-risk HPV infection [types 6 and 11]) are also termed condylomata acuminata.
b. Clinical findings
1. Itching, pain, and dyspareunia
2. Possibly visible on external genitalia
3. May be asymptomatic
c. Diagnosis

1. Warts are diagnosed on direct visual inspection.
2. Cervical cancer–causing HPV is detected by Pap smear, by either conventional or liquid-based cytology tests.
3. Special considerations. Prevalence of oncogenic HPV types is high among adolescents. However, oncogenic HPV and squamous intraepithelial lesions caused by HPV are more likely to regress in adolescents than in older women.
d. Management. Treatment is often difficult, and recurrence is common. Therapies include topical imiquimod and trichloroacetic acid, cryotherapy, and surgical and laser removal. Twenty-five percent of genital warts spontaneously disappear within 3 months.
e. Prevention. Genital warts can be prevented with HPV vaccines [see section II.D.6] and consistent condom use.

Table 3-5
Genital Ulcers: Clinical Features, Diagnosis, and Management

HSV-1 and -2 Primary Syphilis Chancroid
Clinical features
Painful, multiple shallow ulcers
Constitutional symptoms Inguinal adenopathy
Painless, single ulcer with well- demarcated border and clean base (chancre)
Painless inguinal adenopathy
Painful, multiple ulcers with red, irregular borders and purulent bases
Painful inguinal adenopathy; nodes may be fluctuant
Typical lesions and one of the following:
NAATs, including PCR assays. Positive HSV culture from lesion
Positive DFA for HSV from lesion Elevated HSV-1 or
-2 antibodies
HSV on Pap smear
Typical lesion and one of the following:
Reactive nontreponemal tests (VDRL or RPR) Reactive treponemal test (FTA-ABS)
Treponema pallidum on darkfield microscopy, biopsy, or DFA of exudate or tissue
Typical lesions and positive culture for Haemophilus ducreyi Clinical features and negative tests for syphilis and HSV
Oral acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir until resolution Severe infection with disseminated disease requires intravenous acyclovir
Intramuscular penicillin or oral doxycycline if allergic to penicillin
Oral azithromycin, erythromycin, or intramuscular ceftriaxone
HSV = herpes simplex virus; NAAT = nucleic acid amplification test; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; DFA = direct fluorescent antibody; Pap = Papanicolaou; VDRL = Venereal Disease Research Laboratory; RPR = rapid plasma reagin; FTA-
ABS = fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption.

VIII. Menstrual Disorders
A. Normal menstrual cycle
1. Characteristics of the normal menstrual cycle
a. Length of menstrual cycle: 21–35 days
b. Duration of menstrual flow: 2–8 days
c. Blood loss during menstruation: 30–80 mL
2. Three phases of menstrual cycle (Figure 3-4)
a. Follicular (proliferative) phase begins with the onset of menstrual flow and ends with ovulation. This phase lasts 7–22 days.
1. This phase begins with the pulsatile release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus, which in turn causes the release of LH and FSH from the pituitary.
2. FSH induces maturation of ovarian follicles, which produce increasing amounts of estradiol, which in turn causes endometrial thickening (proliferation).
b. Ovulation phase occurs at midcycle after a surge in LH release secondary to peaking estradiol levels. The ruptured ovarian follicle develops into a functioning corpus luteum.
c. Luteal (secretory) phase begins after ovulation and ends with menstrual flow. This phase lasts 12–16 days.
1. Progesterone, produced by the functioning corpus luteum, creates a secretory endometrium.
2. Without fertilization, the corpus luteum involutes. This leads to diminished progesterone and estradiol production, which in turn causes endometrial sloughing and GnRH release from the hypothalamus to start the cycle again.
3. Menstrual cycles may be irregular for 1–2 years after menarche because of the lack of consistent ovulation.
B. Dysmenorrhea. This condition is the most common menstrual disorder.
1. Definitions. Dysmenorrhea is defined as pain associated with menstrual flow.
a. Primary dysmenorrhea refers to pain that is not associated with any pelvic abnormality. It is the most common type of dysmenorrhea during adolescence.
b. Secondary dysmenorrhea refers to pain associated with a pelvic abnormality, such as endometriosis, PID, uterine polyps or fibroids, or a bicornuate uterus with obstruction of menstrual flow.
2. Etiology. Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by increased production of prostaglandins
by the endometrium, which results in excessive uterine contractions and systemic effects.
3. Clinical findings of primary dysmenorrhea
a. Spasms of pain in the lower abdomen
b. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, or fatigue
4. Management of primary dysmenorrhea. Prostaglandin inhibitors, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, or oral contraceptives may be useful.
C. Amenorrhea
1. Definitions. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual flow.
a. Primary amenorrhea refers to the absence of any menstrual bleeding by 16 years of age in an adolescent with normal secondary sexual characteristics, or the absence of menstrual bleeding by 14 years of age in an adolescent without secondary sexual characteristics.
b. Secondary amenorrhea refers to the absence of menses for either three menstrual

cycles or 6 months, after regular menstrual cycles have been established.
2. Etiology. Causes may be categorized on the basis of the presence or absence of normal genitalia and normal secondary sexual characteristics (Table 3-6).
3. Clinical evaluation
a. Thorough history and physical examination, including a pelvic examination
b. Pregnancy test to confirm or rule out pregnancy
c. Thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroxine levels to confirm or rule out thyroid disorders
d. Fasting prolactin level to identify a prolactinoma. If the prolactin level is high, neuroimaging is necessary to exclude a tumor of the sella turcica.
e. FSH and LH levels
1. High FSH and LH levels indicate ovarian failure. Chromosomal analysis should be performed to evaluate for Turner syndrome.
2. Low FSH and LH levels indicate hypothalamic or pituitary suppression or failure. Visual fields and neuroimaging of the sella turcica should be performed to exclude tumor.
D. Abnormal vaginal bleeding
1. Definitions
a. Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) causes 90% of abnormal vaginal bleeding in adolescents. AUB describes a syndrome of frequent, irregular menstrual periods, often associated with prolonged, painless bleeding.
b. Polymenorrhea is uterine bleeding that occurs at regular intervals of <21 days.
c. Menorrhagia is prolonged or excessive uterine bleeding that occurs at regular intervals.
d. Metrorrhagia is uterine bleeding that occurs at irregular intervals.
e. Menometrorrhagia is prolonged or excessive uterine bleeding that occurs at
irregular intervals.
f. Oligomenorrhea is uterine bleeding that occurs at regular intervals but no more often than every 35 days.
2. Etiology
a. AUB may result from anovulatory cycles.
1. The endometrium becomes excessively thickened and unstable because of unopposed estrogen production.
2. Ovulation does not occur, so progesterone is not available to stabilize the endometrium.
3. Bleeding occurs spontaneously and frequently, and it is often prolonged because of unorganized, weaker-than-usual uterine and vascular contractions.
4. Many conditions that cause amenorrhea, such as stress, drug abuse, chronic illness, thyroid disease, weight loss, excessive exercise, and polycystic ovary syndrome, may also cause AUB.
b. Complications of pregnancy, including threatened or incomplete abortion, and ectopic pregnancy
c. Infections, such as PID and cervicitis
d. Blood dyscrasias, such as von Willebrand disease and immune thrombocytopenic purpura
e. Cervical or vaginal polyps and hemangiomas
f. Uterine abnormalities, including leiomyoma and endometriosis
g. Medications, including salicylates, oral contraceptives, and anabolic steroids
h. Foreign bodies, such as IUDs, retained condoms, or tampons
i. Trauma or sexual assault

3. Clinical evaluation
a. History should document the dates of the last three menstrual cycles, age at menarche, prior menstrual patterns, presence or absence of pain, and amount of bleeding.
b. Physical examination should include a pelvic examination if bleeding is painful, prolonged, or associated with anemia or if the adolescent is sexually active. If the patient has never been sexually active, an external genital examination is important to document normal anatomy and vaginal bleeding.
c. Laboratory testing, in most cases, should include a complete blood count, pregnancy test, evaluation for N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis, and evaluation for a blood dyscrasia if very heavy bleeding is present within the first year of menarche resulting in severe anemia.
4. Management. Treatment of AUB involves cessation of bleeding, treatment for anemia, and prevention of endometrial hyperplasia.
a. Hormonal therapy should be used for all bleeding associated with anemia. Combination oral contraceptives (COC) or progestin-only contraceptives are used to stabilize the endometrium and convert it to a secretory type. Intravenous hormonal therapy may be required for severe bleeding but is rarely indicated. An oral antiemetic may be administered before COC therapy, particularly in the first few days of treatment when two or three pills a day are required to stop the bleeding.
b. Iron should be prescribed for patients with anemia.
c. Dilation and curettage is also effective but rarely indicated in adolescents and should only be used if hormonal therapies fail.

FIGURE 3.4 The menstrual cycle: pituitary, ovarian, and endometrial correlations. FSH = follicle- stimulating hormone; LH = luteinizing hormone.
Reprinted with permission from Sakala PE. Obstetrics and Gynecology (Board Review Series). 2nd Ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000:9.

Table 3-6
Causes of Amenorrhea

Cause Findings
Primary amenorrhea with normal genitalia and pubertal delay:
Turner syndrome (46, XO) Ovarian failure caused by gonadal dysgenesis
High FSH and LH
Ovarian failure before puberty caused by radiation, chemotherapy, or
infection High FSH and LH
Hypothalamic or pituitary failure before puberty Low FSH and LH
Primary amenorrhea with absent uterus and normal pubertal development:
Testicular feminization syndrome (46, XY): X-linked defect in androgen receptor leading to inability to respond to testosterone Female genital appearance; vagina ends in blind
pouch; inguinal or intra-abdominal testes
Low FSH and LH
Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser syndrome (46, XX) Vagina and uterus are congenitally absent
Normal FSH and LH
Primary or secondary amenorrhea with normal genitalia and normal
pubertal development:
Hypothalamic suppression Low FSH and LH

Medications and drug abuse Stress and chronic illness Exercise or weight loss
Polycystic ovary syndrome High LH and high LH/FSH ratio
Obesity, hirsutism, and acne
Pituitary infarction (Sheehan syndrome) or pituitary failure Low FSH and LH
Prolactinoma Low FSH and LH, high prolactin; prolactin inhibits
GnRH release
Headache, visual field defect
Outflow tract obstruction

Imperforate hymen Transverse vaginal septum Uterine adhesions Normal FSH and LH
Premature ovarian failure High FSH and LH
Endocrine disorders

Thyroid disease Diabetes mellitus
FSH = follicle-stimulating hormone; LH = luteinizing hormone; GnRH = gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

IX. Reproductive Health Issues in Males
A. Gynecomastia is a bilateral or unilateral increase in the glandular and stromal breast tissue normally found in up to 60% of male adolescents during puberty.
1. Etiology is unknown. However, gynecomastia is probably caused by increased sensitivity to estrogen, or increased peripheral conversion of adrenal androgens to estrogen.
2. Although gynecomastia is usually normal during puberty, the differential diagnosis includes side effects of medications, testicular tumors, illicit drug use, anabolic– androgenic steroids, and thyroid and liver disease.
3. Laboratory studies are not necessary if growth is normal, the adolescent is healthy, and puberty has begun.
4. Management involves reassurance. Gynecomastia usually resolves within 12–15 months. Rarely does this condition require psychological and surgical intervention.
B. Painful scrotal masses
1. Torsion of the spermatic cord is the most common and most serious cause of acute painful scrotal swelling.
a. Clinical findings
1. Sudden onset of scrotal, inguinal, or suprapubic pain, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting
2. Swollen, tender testicle and scrotal edema with absent cremasteric reflex on the affected side
3. Pain relief on elevation of twisted testicle, although this is often unreliable
b. Epidemiology. Testicular torsion of the spermatic cord is the most common cause of testicular pain in boys aged 12 years or older and is uncommon in younger boys.
c. Diagnosis is usually made by history and physical examination alone, although torsion may be confirmed by decreased uptake on technetium 99m pertechnetate radionuclide scan or absent pulsations on Doppler ultrasound of the scrotum.
d. Management includes surgical detorsion of the involved testicle and fixation of both testes within the scrotum (the opposite testicle also has a high likelihood of torsion). Detorsion is a urologic emergency that must be performed within 6 hours to reliably preserve testicular function.
2. Torsion of the testicular appendage may be confused with torsion of the spermatic cord.
a. Clinical findings
1. Acute or gradual onset of pain in testicular, inguinal, or suprapubic areas. Tenderness is most pronounced at the upper pole of the testicle.
2. “Blue dot sign” on examination of the scrotum. This represents the cyanotic appendage visible through the skin of the scrotum.
b. Epidemiology. Torsion of the “appendix testis” is the most common cause of testicular pain in boys between 2 and 11 years of age and is relatively rare in adolescents.
c. Diagnosis is usually made by history and physical examination alone. Doppler ultrasound and radionuclide scans are normal or show increased flow or uptake.
d. Management includes rest and analgesia. Pain usually resolves within 2–12 days.
3. Epididymitis is infection and inflammation of the epididymis, occurring most commonly in sexually active males.
a. Etiology. Epididymitis is most commonly secondary to infection with N. gonorrhoeae or C. trachomatis.
b. Clinical findings

1. Acute onset of scrotal pain and swelling associated with urinary frequency, dysuria, or urethral discharge
2. Swollen, tender epididymis
3. Elevation of the testis may relieve pain (positive Prehn sign).
c. Diagnosis is made by urinalysis demonstrating increased WBCs, a positive Gram stain, and a positive NAAT of urine or urethral discharge. Doppler ultrasound shows increased flow, and a radionuclide scan demonstrates increased uptake.
d. Management is similar to that for cervicitis [see sections VII.B.2.a.(4) and VII.B.2.b. (4)]. In addition, analgesics and bed rest are appropriate. Patient should refrain from sexual intercourse for 7 days after treatment. Partners should be notified, evaluated, and treated.
C. Painless scrotal masses
1. Testicular neoplasms originate from germ cells within the testicle and are one of the most common malignant solid tumors in males 15–35 years of age. Cryptorchidism refers to testes that fail to descend into the scrotum, and this condition is associated with a higher risk of malignancy on both the affected side and the contralateral side.
a. Clinical findings
1. Firm, irregular, painless nodule on testicle
2. Solid mass seen on scrotal transillumination
b. Diagnosis and evaluation
1. Doppler ultrasound of scrotum
2. Evaluation for serum tumor markers human chorionic gonadotropin and α- fetoprotein
3. Evaluation for distant metastasis
c. Management includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
2. Indirect inguinal hernia occurs when the processus vaginalis fails to obliterate. This results in a defect within the abdominal wall that allows bowel to extend through the internal inguinal ring.
a. Clinical findings include a painless inguinal swelling. Bowel sounds may be present on auscultation of the scrotum.
b. Diagnosis is based on history and physical examination.
c. Management includes referral for elective repair. Emergent referral is necessary if evidence of bowel incarceration is noted (erythema of overlying skin, pain, and tenderness).
3. Hydroceles. These are collections of fluid within the tunica vaginalis.
a. Clinical findings include the presence of a painless, soft, cystic scrotal mass that may be smaller in the morning and larger in the evening.
b. Diagnosis is based on history and physical examination. Transillumination of scrotum reveals a cystic mass.
c. Management includes reassurance. If the hydrocele is very large or painful, referral for surgical repair is indicated.
4. Varicoceles result from dilation and tortuosity of veins in the pampiniform plexus. Varicoceles occur in 10–20% of male adolescents.
a. Clinical findings
1. Most commonly found in the left half of the scrotum
2. Characterized as a “bag of worms” appreciated on palpation, which diminishes in size when the patient is supine and enlarges with standing and with the Valsalva maneuver
b. Diagnosis is based on history and physical examination.
c. Management includes reassurance. If the varicocele is painful or very distended, or

is associated with a small testicle (indicative of diminished blood flow), urology referral is indicated.

Review Test
1. A 12-year-old boy has been brought to your office by his mother who is concerned that her son has not developed any signs of puberty. She recalls that her older daughter began pubertal development when she was younger than her son is now. Which of the following is correct regarding the normal sequence of pubertal development in males and females?
A. Pubic hair growth is the first sign of puberty in females.
B. Pubic hair growth is the first sign of puberty in males.
C. Puberty begins in males approximately 12–18 months later than in females.
D. Facial hair growth in males begins at the same time as pubic hair growth.
E. Menarche occurs at the same time as thelarche.
2. A 15-year-old girl presents for a routine health care visit. During your HEADDSSS assessment (home, education and employment, activities, diet, drugs, sexual activity, suicide and depression, safety), she reveals that she has been sexually active with one partner (her current boyfriend). You emphasize the importance of effective contraception. Which of the following methods of contraception is associated with the highest failure rate with typical use?
A. Oral contraceptive
B. Intrauterine device
C. Depomedroxyprogesterone acetate
D. Female condom
E. Male condom
3. A healthy-appearing short 15-year-old girl presents with primary amenorrhea, normal genitalia, and delayed pubertal development. Follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels are high. Which of the following tests is most useful in diagnosing the most likely cause of her amenorrhea?
A. Karyotype
B. Prolactin level
C. Thyroid function tests
D. Pregnancy test
E. Computed tomography scan of her sella turcica
4. A 10-year-old boy has had worsening left scrotal pain for the past 24 hours, a tender left testicle, and a bluish discoloration visible through his scrotal skin. Which of the following is correct regarding the evaluation and management of his scrotal pain?
A. Urinalysis will demonstrate increased white blood cells.
B. Cremasteric reflex will be absent on the affected side.
C. Pain medication should be prescribed and bed rest recommended because this condition will resolve without surgical intervention.
D. Immediate surgical intervention is indicated.
E. Technetium 99m pertechnetate scan will show decreased uptake.
5. You are evaluating a 16-year-old girl who has had vaginal discharge for 5 days. Examination reveals purulent endocervical discharge. Her abdomen is nontender, she is afebrile, and she denies abdominal pain. Gram stain of the discharge reveals intracellular Gram-negative diplococci. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment?
A. Oral azithromycin
B. Intramuscular ceftriaxone
C. Hospitalization and treatment with intravenous clindamycin and intravenous gentamicin
D. Intramuscular ceftriaxone plus oral azithromycin
E. Oral penicillin plus oral doxycycline
6. A 15-year-old healthy boy presents for a routine health maintenance visit. On examination,

you note bilateral breast enlargement and sexual maturity rating 3 (Tanner stage) pubertal development. The remainder of the examination is unremarkable. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A. Order chromosomal analysis.
B. Order studies of thyroid function.
C. Order studies of hepatic function.
D. Order a serum estrogen level.
E. Order no tests and provide reassurance that the condition will resolve spontaneously.
7. A 14-year-old girl presents with concerns that her current menstrual period, which is painless, has lasted 13 days and is associated with a moderate amount of bleeding. This menstrual period began 2 weeks after her previous period stopped, which lasted 15 days. She is not sexually active. A complete blood count reveals moderate anemia. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the management of this problem?
A. Reassure her that her menstrual cycle is normal for her age and prescribe an iron supplement.
B. Perform a complete pelvic examination, and if it is normal, reassure her that her condition is normal and no treatment is required.
C. Perform an external genital examination, and if it is normal, prescribe a combined oral contraceptive.
D. Prescribe progestin-only oral contraceptives. A genital examination is not necessary.
E. Perform a dilation and curettage.
8. A 15-year-old girl is 9 weeks pregnant with her first child. She does not want to terminate the pregnancy and would like advice and pregnancy-related care. Which of the following statements regarding her pregnancy is correct?
A. She is at no higher risk than other teens to eventually require public assistance.
B. She would be expected to have a lower-than-usual risk of having a sexually transmitted infection.
C. Her parents must be informed and provide consent for medical management of her pregnancy.
D. Her infant would not be expected to have a higher-than-usual risk of neonatal problems.
E. Despite her young age, she is at higher-than-usual risk of hypertension and preterm labor.
9. A 17-year-old girl is brought to your office at her parents’ request. They are worried because she has had diminished interest in family activities, has been fighting more often with her parents, and is spending more time alone in her room. During the past 6 months, her school performance has worsened, and her school principal recently telephoned her parents about school absenteeism. In addition, parents have noticed that she is hanging out with a new group of friends and that her appetite seems diminished. Which of the following statements regarding the management of this adolescent is most likely to be correct?
A. She has major depressive disorder and should be seen urgently by a psychiatrist.
B. Reassurance should be provided, as her behavior is normal for age and psychosocial development.
C. She should see a nutritionist with expertise in eating disorders.
D. She should be evaluated for possible substance abuse.
E. She and her parents should be interviewed together to uncover the cause of her problems.
10. A 16-year-old runaway adolescent presents to the free clinic with complaints of diffuse abdominal pain, fever, and nausea. She denies dysuria or vaginal discharge. On further questioning, she indicates that she has had five sexual partners during the past year and most of the time uses condoms for protection. Pelvic examination reveals moderate lower

abdominal tenderness and tenderness on palpation of her cervix and right ovary. No adnexal mass is appreciated. Which of the following statements regarding diagnosis and management is correct?
A. Hospitalization and treatment with intravenous cefoxitin and oral doxycycline are warranted.
B. Wet-mount saline microscopy will demonstrate motile protozoa, and oral metronidazole should be prescribed.
C. Outpatient treatment with oral doxycycline for 2 weeks, along with one dose of intramuscular ceftriaxone, is indicated.
D. Oral azithromycin alone should be prescribed for presumptive diagnosis of Fitz-Hugh– Curtis syndrome.
E. Outpatient treatment with single-dose oral ofloxacin and oral azithromycin is warranted after attempts are made to obtain parental consent.
11. A 14-year-old girl is brought to the office for a routine health maintenance visit. She appears very thin yet believes she is overweight and needs to lose 15–20 pounds. Her mother is concerned that her daughter frequently skips breakfast and eats only a small portion of her dinner, usually alone in her bedroom. She argues often with her parents, and she immediately goes to her room on coming home from the school or the gym. She has not started her menses. You believe that she may have an eating disorder. Which of the following is correct regarding the expected diagnosis?
A. Her menstrual cycles would be unaffected and normal.
B. Physical examination would demonstrate a lower-than-normal sexual maturity rating for age.
C. Withdrawal from friends would not occur because she will use them for support.
D. With further discussion at a subsequent medical visit, it is likely that she will gain insight into her illness and will seek treatment.
E. Her weight is likely to be 10% below her ideal body weight for age.

The response options for statements 12 and 13 are the same. You will be required to select one answer for each statement in the set.

A. Haemophilus ducreyi
B. Treponema pallidum
C. Herpes simplex virus type 2
D. Human papillomavirus
E. None of the above

For each patient, select the most likely causative organism.

1. An 18-year-old adolescent female with a single painless genital ulcer with a well- demarcated border and painless inguinal adenopathy.
2. A 16-year-old adolescent female with multiple painful ulcers with a purulent- appearing base and irregular borders as well as painful inguinal adenopathy.

Answers and Explanations
1. The answer is C [I.A.2]. Both puberty and somatic growth begin earlier in females. Puberty occurs 12–18 months later in males and begins with testicular enlargement. Puberty in females begins with breast development. Pubic hair begins to grow after the beginnings of breast development in females and testicular enlargement in males. Facial and axillary hair growth begins in males approximately 24 months after the growth of pubic hair begins. Menarche, the start of menstrual cycles, occurs an average of 2–3 years after thelarche, the beginnings of breast development.
2. The answer is D [VI.B.2.b and Table 3-4]. The female condom has the highest rate of failure with typical use among the methods listed. Failure is often related to lack of use during each episode of intercourse and lack of knowledge and awkwardness regarding proper placement. Depomedroxyprogesterone acetate and oral contraceptives are very effective contraceptive agents with low failure rates. Intrauterine devices and male condoms have a higher failure rate than hormonal contraception but are usually more effective in practice than the female condom.
3. The answer is A [VIII.C and Table 3-6]. This girl has primary amenorrhea, which is defined as the absence of menstrual bleeding either after 16 years of age in a girl with normal secondary sexual characteristics or, as in this case, after 14 years of age in a girl with delayed pubertal development. Disorders characterized by primary amenorrhea, normal genitalia, and delayed puberty include Turner syndrome, ovarian failure, and hypothalamic or pituitary failure. In this healthy-appearing, short girl, Turner syndrome (46, XO) is most likely, and thus a karyotype would be most useful for diagnosis. A prolactinoma and thyroid disease may result in either primary or secondary amenorrhea, but the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level would be decreased or normal. A pituitary lesion would also usually result in normal or low FSH, and thus computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain would be less useful. Pregnancy would be unlikely given the presence of pubertal delay.
4. The answer is C [IX.B.2]. This boy presents with classic findings of torsion of the testicular appendage, which is characterized by acute or gradual onset of scrotal pain, tenderness at the upper pole of the testicle, and a “blue dot sign” reflecting the cyanosis and torsion of the testicular appendage. This condition normally resolves without surgery, and rest and pain medication are indicated. Urinalysis is normal, and the cremasteric reflex is still present. Doppler ultrasound demonstrates normal or increased blood flow, and radionuclide imaging demonstrates normal or increased uptake on the affected side, unlike torsion of the spermatic cord.
5. The answer is D [VII.B.2.b]. The presence of Gram-negative intracellular diplococci confirms the diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae cervicitis. The correct treatment for uncomplicated cervicitis caused by N. gonorrhoeae includes intramuscular ceftriaxone or oral cefixime, if ceftriaxone is not available. However, any patient with N. gonorrhoeae also requires treatment for Chlamydia trachomatis because coinfection is very common. Thus, the most appropriate treatment includes therapy against N. gonorrhoeae and either oral single-dose azithromycin or 1 week of oral doxycycline for the treatment of presumptive C. trachomatis. Hospitalization is not indicated for uncomplicated cervicitis. The absence of abdominal pain or tenderness excludes pelvic inflammatory disease. Because of drug resistance, oral penicillin is inadequate for the treatment of N. gonorrhoeae.
6. The answer is E [IX.A]. Gynecomastia, the development of breast tissue, occurs in up to 60% of males during puberty. If a male adolescent is healthy and is progressing normally through puberty, as in this case, no laboratory tests are necessary, and reassurance alone is sufficient management. Neither an estrogen level nor a karyotype would be useful in light of a male

sexual maturity rating of 3. Although thyroid and liver disorders may result in breast enlargement, other signs or symptoms suggesting a systemic disease would likely be apparent on history or physical examination.
7. The answer is C [VIII.D.3 and VIII.D.4]. This girl likely has abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), the cause of 90% of abnormal vaginal bleeding in adolescence. She is also moderately anemic, and as a result, needs hormonal therapy to stop the bleeding and regulate her menstrual cycles. Because of her moderate anemia, an external genital examination should be performed to rule out other causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding before prescribing hormonal therapy. A complete pelvic examination is not indicated because she is virginal. Either a daily progestin- only contraceptive or a combination oral contraceptive would be effective in stopping her bleeding. Dilation and curettage is rarely indicated and only performed when other therapies fail.
8. The answer is E [VI.A.2]. Adolescent pregnancy dramatically affects both the mother and infant. Teens who are pregnant are at a higher-than-usual risk of hypertension, anemia, and preterm labor. In addition, adolescent mothers have a high rate of not completing high school, have a higher-than-average rate of unemployment, and often need welfare assistance. Adolescents who are pregnant are also at a higher risk for sexually transmitted infections. In the majority of states, adolescents are entitled to seek pregnancy-related care without parental consent. Their infants are at higher-than-average risk for health problems, such as low birth weight.
9. The answer is D [IV.C]. The signs and symptoms of substance abuse include disturbance in mood or sleep, decline in school performance, truancy, alterations in family relationships and peer groups, and diminished appetite. These behaviors are not normal at any age. This adolescent does not meet the criteria for major depressive disorder, although depression can occur with, and result from, substance abuse. Decreased appetite alone is insufficient to diagnose anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Although both the adolescent and her parents may be interviewed jointly, she should also be interviewed independently to facilitate rapport and discussion of confidential issues.
10. The answer is A [VII.B.3]. The constellation of clinical findings, including lower abdominal pain and tenderness, adnexal tenderness, and cervical motion tenderness, are sufficient to make a clinical diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Although many cases of PID can be effectively treated as an outpatient with oral medications, hospitalization is indicated for situations in which compliance with therapy may be problematic, as in a homeless or runaway adolescent. In addition, hospitalization is warranted for pregnant teens with PID, for those who have an adnexal mass suggesting a tubo-ovarian abscess, or for those who fail outpatient management. This patient’s clinical findings are not consistent with Trichomonas vaginalis, which is diagnosed by a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) or wet-mount saline preparation, nor with Fitz-Hugh–Curtis syndrome (perihepatitis), which presents with right upper quadrant pain.
11. The answer is B [Table 3-3 and V.B]. This girl’s history of low body weight, disturbed body image, and withdrawal from her family are consistent with anorexia nervosa. In addition to these characteristics, patients with anorexia nervosa also have amenorrhea, a weight 15% below an ideal body weight for age, an intense fear of gaining weight, delays in puberty and growth, and a preoccupation with food and excessive exercise to burn calories. In addition to withdrawal from family, teens with anorexia nervosa often withdraw from friends. Insight into the illness is lacking, and management of eating disorders is very challenging. Input from nutritionists and therapists and the involvement of a supportive family are essential.
12. The answers are B and A, respectively [Table 3-5]. Genital ulcers may be caused by chancroid (infection with Haemophilus ducreyi), syphilis (infection with Treponema pallidum), or herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Syphilis is characterized by a single painless ulcer that has a well-

demarcated border and a nonpurulent base (a chancre). In contrast, chancroid is characterized by painful ulcers that have irregular borders and a purulent base. Inguinal adenopathy is present in both diseases; however, it tends to be painful in chancroid and painless in syphilis. Herpes simplex virus also causes multiple painful shallow ulcers, but the base is nonpurulent. Human papillomavirus causes genital warts, not ulcers.