FOLLICULITIS PROBLEM A bacterial (or fungal) infection of the hair follicle. Folliculitis is seen when a pustule develops, commonly on the arms, legs, scalp, and face (beard). CAUSE A.Bacterial: Infection commonly caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. B.Fungal: May be caused by yeast infection. PREVENTION/TREATMENT PLAN A.Keep skin clean and dry. B.Avoid warm, moist conditions. C.Healing generally occurs in 10 to 14 days after proper treatment with medications. D.Practice good handwashing technique, using antibacterial soaps. E.Use clean razors daily. F.Throw old razors away. G.Do not share razors. H.Shampoo scalp daily. I.Folliculitis usually resolves within 4 to 6 weeks after proper treatment. Activity: As tolerated. Diet: Regular diet. Medications: Topical and/or oral antibiotics as prescribed. You […]