ATTITUDE is everything
- Smile
- Be polite and courteous
- Offer help whenever possible
- Appreciate the diversity of those we work with and serve
- Exhibit a positive attitude at all times by managing stress in a private area
- Recognize the contributions of others in you work environment
- Treat one another as professionals because everyone does meaningful work
LISTEN with all your heart
- Hear the issue, concern or complaint
- Empathize & evaluate
- Apologize for not meeting customers’ expectations
- Resolve with urgency – No operational excuses for not meeting customers’ needs
- Thank them
WOW their socks off !
- Superior service is the first and last thing a customer will remember
- Always thank customers for choosing Parallon and our clients
- Use customers name when possible
ASK “What can I do to help?”
- “What can I do to helps?”
YOU make the difference
- Treat each other as they would like to be treated
- Take ownership, be proactive, and provide solutions to problems following the chain of command
- Take pride in the organization as if you own it
- Take responsibility to maintain a safe environment
- Hold each other accountable for the success of the team
SERVICE creates a lasting impression
- Provide prompt, customized service that exceeds expectations
- Treat each customer as if they were the only customer
- Establish trust with your customers by following through with what you say you will do
- Avoid using technical or professional jargon or acronyms
- Use easily understood language and terminology when giving customers information
- Smile