Pocket ObGyn – Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP)

Pocket ObGyn – Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP)
See Abbreviations

Definitions and Epidemiology
  • Dz of intrahepatic biliary tree or hepatocellular secretory system resulting in elevated bilirubin & other solutes eliminated in bile (bile salts & cholesterol) that occurs during Preg
  • 1–0.2% incid in North America
  • Chronic hepatitis C a/w 20-fold ­ in incid of cholestasis
  • Unk but likely genetically susceptible alterations in steroid & bile acid metabolism
  • HLA-B8 & HLA-BW16 & gene mutations in hepatocellular transport systems (MDR3)
  • May be related to circulating estrogen levels (incid in twin pregnancies >


  • Bile acids incompletely cleared & accumulate in plasma w/ assoc dyslipidemia
  • ­ mec & intrapartum fetal distress (22–41%), preterm birth (19–60%), & fetal demise (0.75–1.6%); esp if bile acids >40 mmol/L (Glantz. Hepatology 2004;467)

Clinical Manifestations and Physical Exam
  • Generalized pruritus in 2nd or 3rd trimester esp on palms & soles of feet
  • Jaundice (20–75%)
  • No assoc rash, but excoriations from scratching
Diagnostic Workup/Studies
  • Pruritus precedes lab abnormalities by several weeks Hyperbilirubinemia (rarely exceeds 4–5 mg/dL)

­ serum bile acids (chenodeoxycholic acid, deoxycholic acid, cholic acid) > 10 mmol/L

­ alk phos more than nml Preg

Nml to moderately ­ AST/ALT but seldom >250 U/L

  • Liver bx shows mild cholestasis w/ centrilobular dilation w/ bile plugs (rare to bx)
  • Rule out preeclampsia, not likely in setting of nml pressures & absence of proteinuria
  • RUQ US to rule out cholelithiasis & biliary obst
Treatment and Medications
  • Sx & labs nml 2–4 w after deliv but likely to recur in subseq pregnancies or w/ exogenous estrogen use
  • Antihistamines & topical emollients for symptomatic relief of pruritus
  • Ursodeoxycholic acid (probably superior rx), cholestyramine, naltrexone
  • Consider antepartum testing after dx; consider deliv at 37–38 w

See Abbreviations