Pocket ObGyn – Lipid & Cholesterol

Pocket ObGyn – Lipid & Cholesterol
See Abbreviations

Definitions and Treatment


Definitions for cholesterol
LDL – primary target <100 Optimal
  100–129 Near optimal
  130–159 Borderline high
  160–189 High
  ³190 Very high
Total cholesterol <200 Desirable
  200–239 Borderline high
  ³240 High
HDL <40 Low
  ³60 High
  • Cardiovascular dz is the leading cause of death (all ages) in women (24%)
  • Start screening total cholesterol, HDL at 20 yo, then once every 5 y
  • ACOG: Start every 5 y from age 45; at well-woman visits or initial OB or w/ PCP


When to treat cholesterol




Risk category


LDL goal (mg/dL)

LDL level to initiate lifestyle changes  

LDL level to con- sider drug therapy

CHD or CHD risk equivalents (10-y risk >20%) <100 (optional


³100 ³130 (100–129


2+ risk factors (10-y risk


<130 ³130 10-y risk 10–20% and

³130 or 10-y risk

<10% and ³160

0– risk factor <160 ³160 ³190 (160–189 optional)

•   CHD risk equivalents: Clinical coronary, symptomatic carotid dz, peripheral artery dz, abdominal aortic aneurysm, DM.

•   CHD risk factors: Cigarette smoking, HTN (BP ³140/90 or on an anti-HTN med), HDL

£40, FHx of premature CHD (M <55 yo, F <65 yo in 1st-degree relative), age (F ³55 yo).

•   10-y risk calculated using Framingham point risk scores w/ points for age, total cholesterol, smoking, HDL, & SBP.

•   For latest guidelines see: J Am Coll Cardiol 2013 (PMID 2422016).



Lipid/cholesterol treatment guidelines






TG = tri- glycerides  

Side effects

Diet & exercise Trial for 6 mo–1 y; includes decreased saturated fat (<7% total calories) total daily cholesterol intake <200 mg (NCEP diet), decreased salt intake, exercise 30 min most days of the week
Statin (1st line):


reductase inhibitor: Simvastatin, atorvastatin

20–60% ¯ 15% ­ 30% ¯ *Check LFTs prior to starting

GI distress, myalgias, myopathy (10%), rhabdomyolysis rare

Resins: Bile acid sequestrants: Cholestyramine, colestipol 15–30% ¯ 5% ­ Possibly


*Can raise TGL, do not use in TGL >250

Bloating, hard stool, constipation

Ezetimibe (choles- terol absorp inhibitor) 20% ¯ 5% ­ Dose: 10 mg/d; monit LFTs as w/ statins
Nicotinic acid (niacin) 10–15% ¯ 15–30% ­ 40% ¯ Flushing (take w/ meals, tx w/ ASA); monit uric acid gluc, LFTs, DM pts only use w/ A1C <7%
Fibrates: Fenofibrate 5–15% ¯ 10–20% ­ 30–50% ¯ GI discomfort, rash, pruritus


  • Hormone effects on lipids:

Estrogen: ¯ LDL, ­ HDL, & ­ TG

Progestin: Antagonized estrogen changes ® ­ LDL, ¯ HDL, & ¯ TG

  • ACOG recommends: LDL >160 or multi CAD risk factors, counsel toward nonhormonal 2´ ­ MI risk in  w/o CAD on hormonal therapy
  • Postmenopausal women on HRT (estrogen &/or progestin) ® 29% ­ in CHD events;

no indication for HRT to prevent CHD. Women on HRT had a 41% ­ in stroke events (JAMA 2002;288:321). Newer data since the WHI trial sugg younger postmenopausal women (<50 yo) on HRT do not have ­ CHD. See Chap. 5.

See Abbreviations