You have an infection of the inside of the uterus.
One or more types of bacteria that invaded damaged tissue following your delivery could cause endometritis. The bacteria may be from the vagina, the bowel, or the environment.
A.Use careful perineal care:
1.Wipe from front to back after voiding.
2.Remove peri-pad from front to back.
3.Change peri-pad at least every 4 hours.
4.Use a squeeze bottle filled with warm water to cleanse after each time you urinate or have a bowel movement.
5.Use good handwashing technique after changing your pads and the baby’s diaper.
A.You will need to be treated with antibiotic therapy.
B.Take your temperature three times a day for the first 3 days on the antibiotics.
C.Take Tylenol or ibuprofen as needed for fever or discomfort.
Activity: It is very important for you to increase rest with an infection. Try to get a nap when the baby is sleeping. You may continue to breastfeed on some antibiotic therapy. If you do not breastfeed while you are feeling bad, pump your breast milk to keep up your milk supply but dispose of it.
Diet: Eat well-balanced meals. Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of liquids a day.
Medications: Continue your prenatal vitamins. Take all of your antibiotics even if you start feeling better.
You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________
You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________
You Need to Notify the Office If You Have:
A.Temperature that rises significantly or reaches 100.4°F.
B.Foul-smelling vaginal bleeding.
C.Increase in pain or tenderness.
D.Other: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________