Oral thrush is white patches that coat the inside of the mouth and tongue. It mainly affects adults with risk factors such as a compromised immune system, use of frequent antibiotics, and/or chronic use of steroid inhalers.


Thrush is caused by a yeast called Candida that grows rapidly on the lining of the mouth and tongue. It may also occur after a course of antibiotic medication.


A.Avoid overuse of antibiotics.

B.Clean inhalers and dentures daily. Use a denture cleaner daily. You may soak the dentures overnight in the denture cleaner. Rinse dentures well before putting them into your mouth. Rinse mouth after inhaled steroid use.

C.Practice good oral hygiene daily.

D.Change your toothbrush or sanitize the toothbrush when diagnosed with thrush to prevent reinfecting the mouth with yeast.


A.Try to remove any large plaques with a moistened cotton-tipped applicator or gauze pad.

B.Cleanse the mouth before giving medication. The use of salt or warm salt water (with iodized salt or baking soda) helps to relieve irritation as well as creates a poor environment for fungal growth.

C.Place the medication in the front of the mouth on each side.

D.Rub it directly on the plaques with a cotton swab.

Diet: As tolerated. Limit foods high in sugar and yeast products such as beer, wine, and bread. Increase the diet to include yogurt and products that contain acidophilus.

Medications: Nystatin is an oral medication used to treat thrush. Nystatin suspension four times a day after meals or 30 minutes prior to eating. Patches should improve within 2 to 3 days of using the medication.

You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Notify the Office If:

A.You have difficulty with eating or drinking because of pain.

B.Symptoms do not improve or thrush lasts longer than 10 days.

C.Unexplained fever occurs.

D.Secondary infection occurs in the mouth (pain, tenderness, sores).

E.Other: ___________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________