Human papillomavirus (HPV), also known as condyloma, or genital or venereal warts, is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). HPV is the most common STI:

A.You may experience bumps or lesions on the genitals or perianal area. They may be raised and rough appearing, or flat and smooth. They are often wartlike in appearance.

B.Lesions may appear singly or in clusters and may be small or large. They are usually soft, painless, and pale pink to grayish in color, and they may itch.

C.Some people who have the infection never have symptoms (bumps or warts). It is possible to spread the infection even when no symptoms are present.

D.HPV can infect other areas, including the mouth and throat from oral sex.

E.It is very important to get regular Pap smears. Some of the HPV viruses can cause cervical cancer.

F.There are several treatment options that your health care provider will discuss.


HPV is acquired by having genital contact, intercourse, or oral sex with someone who has the infection.


A.There is no cure for HPV, but the following may decrease the spread of HPV.


1.Ask your provider about receiving the shingles vaccine for preventing the HPV virus. It is available for males and females ranging from 9 years to 25 to 26 years of age.

2.The vaccine does not treat the HPV infection.


1.Up to 40% of warts go away without any treatment within 1 year.

2.Condoms provide some protection against HPV transmission, but contact with genital lesions not covered by the condom can result in infection.

3.Limit sexual partners and openly discuss the need to use a condom.

4.Examine new partners for bumps or warts.

5.Your partners also need to be seen to discuss their treatment.

6.There are several treatments for HPV. Some of the treatments must be done in the clinic and others can be done by you at home.

7.If you choose using a cream/gel, you will be instructed on where to apply it with your finger.


You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Use It By Following These Instructions:

A.Wash your hands.

B.Use your finger to apply the medicine and rub it in.

C.Wash your hands again.

D.Apply the medicine __________ times every day on the following schedule: ____________________________

E.Your medicine may be used daily, twice a day, or only a few days a week.

F.Your medicine will need to be used for __________ weeks.

You Need to Notify the Office If:

A.You have any new symptoms or the warts are getting worse.

B.Other: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Return to the Office on: ___________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________