Diarrhea is loose, watery bowel movements (BMs).
There are many causes of diarrhea, including viral and bacterial infections and parasites.
A.Avoid raw seafood and undercooked foods.
B.Store food in the refrigerator within 1 hour of cooking to prevent the growth of bacteria. Especially avoid buffet or picnic foods left out for several hours and food served by street vendors.
C.Wash your hands well before preparing foods, after going to the bathroom, and after handling diapers.
D.When traveling:
1.Avoid local water supplies (including ice): Drink bottled water instead.
2.Wash fresh fruits and vegetables before eating.
3.If possible, travel with antiseptic hand lotion and wipes.
E.When hiking or camping, do not drink from streams, springs, or untested wells. Boil all water used for drinking or cooking.
F.Do not allow people with diarrhea to handle food.
G.Thoroughly cook eggs and other foods of animal origin. Do not eat raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, such as cookie dough.
H.Keep your child away from child-care centers if their diarrhea is too much for a diaper or they are unable to get to the toilet.
A.Spontaneous recovery usually occurs in 24 to 48 hours.
B.Keep drinking liquids.
C.If you think a prescription drug is causing diarrhea, talk with your healthcare provider before stopping the medication.
D.Clean toys and hard surfaces with soap and water. Chlorine-based disinfectants inactivate rotavirus and may help prevent disease transmission in child-care centers.
Activity: Decrease activities until diarrhea stops.
A.If diarrhea is accompanied by nausea, suck ice chips.
B.Drink clear liquids frequently, such as 7UP, Gatorade, ginger ale, broth, or gelatin, until diarrhea stops.
C.Use popsicles for added liquid.
D.After symptoms disappear, eat soft foods, such as cooked cereal, rice, baked potatoes, and yogurt, for 1 to 2 days.
E.You can eat normal foods in 2 to 3 days after the diarrhea stops.
F.Avoid fruit, alcohol, and highly seasoned foods for several more days.
You Have Been Prescribed the Following Antidiarrheal Medication: ___________________________________________________________
You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________
You Need to Notify the Office If:
A.You have diarrhea lasting more than 2 days or chronic diarrhea (especially if you are a diabetic).
B.You have mucus, blood, or worms in the stool.
C.You have a fever of 101.0°F or higher.
D.You have severe pain in the stomach or rectum.
E.You have dehydration symptoms, including dry mouth, wrinkled skin, excessive thirst, and little or no urine.
F.Other: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________