A.Education: Exercising and strengthening muscles in your lower leg, foot, and ankle will improve flexibility of the joint, keep it strong and stable, and prevent future injury. This will also increase the range of motion necessary to prevent pain and injury. The following guidelines are encouraged:
1.Exercise in your bare feet or in stocking feet.
2.Count slowly (1,001, 1,002,
etc.) when you must hold a position and count.
3.Do each exercise 10 times the first day, and increase the repetitions by five each following day until you reach a maximum of 30, unless otherwise instructed.
4.Repeat prescribed exercises three times a day.
5.Exercise slowly and get the greatest stretch possible.
6.Stop any exercise that causes new, unusual, or intense pain.
7.You need to perform daily stretching exercises and toning to speed your recovery.
8.It takes months to adequately heal these types of injuries. Therefore, do not be discouraged that it takes time for your ankle to heal.
9.Sports to avoid: stop-and-go activity, basketball, running, and impact aerobics.
10.You may need to wear a velcro ankle brace or high-top tennis shoes for support.
B.Toe and foot bend (floor):
1.Sit on the floor or bed with legs out straight.
2.Bend the injured foot back toward the head and curl toes.
3.Then point the injured foot away and bend toes back.
C.Toe rise and foot slide (chair):
1.Sit in a chair with knees bent at a right angle and feet flat on the floor.
2.Raise all toes on the injured foot and slide the foot back 3 to 4 inches.
4.Continue the sliding and toe raising until the heel can no longer be kept on the floor.
D.Toe and foot bends (chair):
1.Sit in a chair with knees bent at a right angle and feet flat on the floor.
2.Slide the foot on the injured side forward as far as possible while keeping the toes and heel in contact with the floor.
3.From the straight-leg position, bend the foot toward the head as far as possible.
4.Lower your foot back onto the floor.
5.Bend the foot back and forth from the straight-leg position.
E.Heel-cord stretch:
1.Stand straight and face a wall with feet together, arms straight out, and palms flat against the wall.
2.Lean toward the wall, bending the elbows, to stretch the cords above the heels.
3.Continue leaning to a count of five and then straighten up again.
F.Inner-tube stretch (1):
1.Sit with feet dangling side by side at a right angle to your legs.
2.Tie stretch bands around your feet until they are snug.
3.Keeping ankles together, move toes as far apart as possible.
4.Hold the stretch for a count of five.
G.Inner-tube stretch (2):
1.Sit with feet dangling.
2.Cross your feet at the ankles.
3.Tie bands snugly around feet.
4.Move toes as far apart as possible.
5.Hold the stretch for a count of five.