Your practitioner has diagnosed you with a condition known as otitis externa, sometimes also referred to as swimmer’s ear. This is a common condition characterized by itching in the ear, sometimes followed by ear pain, swelling, and drainage of the ear canal. Difficulty hearing may also occur. The eardrum is rarely affected.


Otitis externa occurs from irritation to the external canal of the ear. The most common causes for otitis externa are long exposure to water in the ear canal after frequent swimming and too vigorous cleaning of the wax from your ears. It may involve either a bacterial or a fungal infection.


You may prevent future problems with otitis externa by following these measures:

A.Clean the outer ear only as needed. Do not use cotton-tipped swabs or any other device to clean down into the ear canal. Usually, wax is just pushed deeper into the canal with this method, and the canal may be traumatized by the instrument used.

B.For swimmers or others susceptible to frequent recurrences of otitis externa, it may be helpful to dry the ear canals with a blow dryer on a low setting after exposure to water. You may also instill a solution of 50% isopropyl alcohol and 50% vinegar in the ear twice daily and after every submersion in water. Over-the-counter ear drops labeled for swimmer’s ear may also be used as directed.


For the most common bacterial infections associated with otitis externa, antibiotic/steroid ear drops are usually prescribed. In addition, you should keep water out of your ears during treatment. Your provider will give you specific instructions regarding how long you will need to keep the ear canal clean and dry. Bathing and shampooing your hair is fine as long as you prevent any water from getting in your ears. You can use earplugs or cotton balls with petroleum jelly to keep your ears dry.

Activity: Avoiding moisture accumulation in the ear is important. Activity restrictions are those involving submersion in water for the 7 to 10 days during treatment.

Diet: No changes are required in your diet.


A.Ear drops are used to treat otitis externa.

B.The drops should be applied down the ear canal’s opening, moving the earlobe back and forth to help the ear drops pass downward.

C.In severe cases, oral antibiotics may be given.

You Have Been Prescribed: ____________________________

You Need to Instill ____________________________ Drops Into the Affected Ear ____________________________ Times Per Day.

You Need to Notify the Office If You:

A.Have symptoms that worsen or do not seem to be improving.

B.Have a fever over 100.8°F.

C.Have increased pain, redness, or swelling in the ear or around the ear or face.

D.Are unable to instill ear drops into the ear because of swelling of the ear canal.

E.Other: ___________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________