Knee exercises will strengthen the muscles that support the knee joint. Strong muscles protect the knee joint by keeping the knee in place and causing less strain on the knee to prevent injury. The muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps) and back of the thigh (hamstrings) need to be strong to support the knee to prevent injury. Exercises for these muscles will prevent injury and strengthen the knee joint.


Follow the type of exercises recommended for your knee. You may begin straight-leg raises after the pain resolves. Continue to wear your brace with activities as directed. It may take months for your knee to completely heal. You may gradually resume normal activity as directed by your provider. If you are not sure what activities you may perform, ask your provider before performing them:

A.Quadriceps sets:

1.Exercise may be done while standing, sitting, or lying down.

2.Straighten knee with intensity.

3.Hold for 10 counts, then relax.

4.Repeat the exercise three to four times per day.

5.If a cast or splint is in place, straighten the knee until the front of the thigh and the cast pinch together.

6.If the knee is bent, keep the foot planted and use the floor to push against.


1.Similar to quads, but the difference is to tighten the entire thigh while straightening the knee.

2.Hold for 10 counts, then relax.

3.Repeat the exercise approximately three to four times a day.

C.Hamstring sets:

1.Pull the leg back against the other foot, floor, or cast.

2.Hold approximately 10 counts, then relax.

3.Perform these sets three to four times a day.

D.Wall squats:

1.Stand with head, back, and hips flat against a wall.

2.Step out from the wall about 2 feet, with back still against the wall.

3.Slowly slide your back down the wall as far as you can to almost a sitting position, and hold for 10- to 15 seconds.

4.Slowly slide back up the wall. Repeat.

E.Heel lifts:

1.Lie on your back with support under the knee.

2.Lift the heel while resting the knee on support.

3.Make the knee as straight as possible.

4.Hold for 10 counts, then relax.

5.Do not use weights.

6.Perform these exercises three to four times a day.

F.Straight-leg raises:

1.Straighten the knee.

2.Lift and pause for 5 to 10 counts, then relax.

3.Lower leg and relax, then repeat.

4.Do three to five sets, three to four times a day. Rest between each set.

5.Start with __________ pounds of ankle weight and work up to __________ pounds.

6.Gradually increase weight used.

G.Hip flexors:

1.While sitting, lift the knee toward the chest.

2.Hold for 10 counts, then relax.

3.Lower the leg and relax. Repeat.

4.Do 10 times, three to four times a day.

5.Start with __________ pounds of weight and work up gradually to __________ pounds.

6.The weights should be on the knee or ankle.

H.Hamstring stretches:

1.While seated on a sturdy table with the foot of your injured leg resting on the floor, lean forward with chin directed toward toes.

2.Hold for at least 10 counts, then relax.

3.The knee should be straight from your hips.

4.Do not do this exercise with bouncing or violent movements.

5.Do __________ minutes, __________ times a day.