You have inflammation or pain in the muscles and connective tissues, usually noted in the lower back, shoulders, neck, chest, arms, hips, and thighs. This pain is chronic, and you may also have excessive fatigue and stiffness, difficulty with sleeping, and possibly other symptoms of anxiety, stress, and/or depression.


The cause is unknown. Fibromyalgia has been linked to anxiety, depression, and stress.


A.Foundation of care is regular exercise.

B.Achieving adequate amounts of sleep.

C.For symptoms of discomfort, you may try applying heat to the areas of pain, such as hot showers, heating pad, and whirlpools.

D.Gentle massages by a massage therapist may help with comfort.

E.Reducing stress in your life is important for overall well-being and pain reduction.

F.Consider alternatives to relieving stress, such as biofeedback, relaxation techniques, and yoga.

G.Notify your healthcare provider if you are having symptoms of anxiety or depression that need addressing and may possibly be treated with medications.

Activity: Regular exercise is recommended. Exercise at least 30 minutes for three to five times a week if possible. Even 5 minutes is better than no exercise. Establish a regular sleep time. Adequate and sound sleeping may decrease symptoms. You may require naps during the day.

Diet: Eat a nutritious regular diet. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, and foods that may interfere with your normal sleep.

Medications: There are medications to help with your fibromyalgia. You may be prescribed one of these by your healthcare provider. Examples may include duloxetine (Cymbalta), milnacipran (Savella), or pregabalin (Lyrica).

You may also need to treat other symptoms accordingly:

A.Pain can be addressed with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or naproxen.

B.Sleep disorder: Address this with your healthcare provider for treatment.

C.Anxiety/stress/depression: Address this with your healthcare provider.

You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________

You Need to Notify the Office If You Have:

A.New or unexplained symptoms that have developed.

B.Fever higher than 100.0°F.

C.Other: ___________________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________


The National Fibromyalgia Association: