Hyperlipidemia (excess lipids in the blood) is often referred to as hardening of the arteries.
The excess lipids increase your risk of developing heart disease and heart attacks.
Elevated blood cholesterol levels lead to plaque formation in the walls of the major arteries in the body. The higher the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad
cholesterol, the greater the chance of developing heart disease. On the other hand, the higher the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or good
cholesterol, the lower the risk of heart disease.
Lowering your risk of heart disease involves the following:
A.Diet changes to lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise your good cholesterol (HDL).
B.Lose weight. Start with losing 5 to 10 pounds.
C.Start or increase your physical activity. Walking is a good exercise to start getting active.
D.Other ways to modify your risk factors:
1.Stop smoking. It is never too late to stop smoking.
2.Control your blood pressure.
3.If you are a diabetic, control your blood sugar level.
Activity: Regular exercise, such as walking vigorously for 30 minutes three times a week, increases your good cholesterol levels, lowers blood sugar, and promotes weight loss.
Diet: Follow the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) and low-fat/low-cholesterol diet:
A.Decrease total fat calories and cholesterol.
B.Decrease total saturated fats and replace with monounsaturated fats, such as canola oil, olive oil, and margarine.
C.Increase fiber with oatmeal, bran, or fiber supplements.
D.Increase daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
E.Try garlic, soy protein, and vitamin C to help lower LDL cholesterol.
Medications: You may be prescribed a medicine to lower your cholesterol. You will need to come into the doctor’s office and have your blood drawn to monitor your liver and cholesterol levels.
You Have Been Prescribed: ___________________________________________________________
You Need to Take: ___________________________________________________________
You Need to Notify the Office If You Have:
A.Chest pain.
B.Shortness of breath or trouble breathing while exercising.
C.Abdominal pain.
D.Muscle pain or weakness.
E.Other: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________